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Junior Faculty Teaching Fellow Spotlight: Ioana Suvaina

Oct. 5, 2011—Each month, the CFT Newsletter highlights the work of our Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows. This month, Ioana Suvaina, Assistant Professor in the Mathematics Department talks about her teaching philosophy and interests: College is a wonderful period in one’s life. It is a time of discovering the world around us through science, art and interactions. It...

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Teaching Social Responsibility at Vanderbilt – A Report from the CFT’s 25th Anniversary Symposium

Oct. 3, 2011—by Joe Bandy, Assistant Director The CFT’s 25th anniversary symposium involved three major themes on the future of teaching at Vanderbilt, two of which have been the subject of previous blogs – changing technologies and economic challenges to higher education.  The third theme was focused on the challenges of teaching social responsibility in today’s world...

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Upcoming Workshop: Why Students Behave the Way They Do

Oct. 3, 2011—Why Students Behave the Way They Do: A Teacher’s Guide to Cognitive Development “Why do we have to do group work? It’s such a waste of time! Just lecture and tell us what we need to know.” Are you curious why you hear this phrase in your classes? Why your students are reluctant to work...

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PhD Career Connections October Seminar

Sep. 28, 2011—Vanderbilt PhD Career Connections is a monthly seminar series about career options for PhD scientists. Speakers from a diverse range of exciting scientific careers present their career path and share insights from their professional experiences. The series is run by VUMC PhD students and postdoctoral fellows and sponsored by the BRET Office of Career Development. Advance...

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The University’s Social Responsibilities – A Faculty View of the CFT’s 25th Anniversary Symposium

Sep. 27, 2011—This is a guest post by Doug Fisher. Doug is an associate professor of computer science and computer engineering. Doug also recently served as a program director in the National Science Foundation’s Division of Information and Intelligent Systems. This post is part of our series of posts related to the CFT’s 25th anniversary. I thoroughly...

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Upcoming Event: Leading Effective Discussions

Sep. 24, 2011—Have you registered yet? Register now for Leading Effective Discussions. Date & Time: Thursday, September 29, 4:10-5:30 Facilitator: CFT Graduate Teaching Fellow Format: Teaching Workshop Audience: Graduate Students and Post-Docs Effective discussions can provoke profound learning, yet they can be challenging to create and particularly to sustain. In this interactive session you will pursue strategies for...

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Responding to Changing Technologies – A Report from the CFT’s 25th Anniversary Symposium

Sep. 23, 2011—by Derek Bruff, CFT Acting Director In my last post, I shared some highlights from the first hour of our discussion of changing technologies at the CFT’s 25th anniversary symposium earlier this month. The discussion raised several challenges in responding to our changing technological world, including: meeting student expectations for technology use in higher education,...

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Junior Faculty Teaching Fellow Spotlight: Jon Edd

Sep. 23, 2011—Each month, the CFT Newsletter highlights the work of our Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows. This month, Jon Edd, Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department talks about his teaching philosophy and interests: After teaching thermodynamics for a year and a half, I find that one of the primary challenges for students is to assimilate the...

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Changing Technologies – A Report from the CFT’s 25th Anniversary Symposium

Sep. 22, 2011—by Derek Bruff, CFT Acting Director As I mentioned last week, our 25th anniversary symposium was a fantastic event, with faculty, students, and staff engaged in deep and important discussions about the future of teaching at Vanderbilt. One of the themes of the discussion was the challenge to teaching and learning provided by changing technologies....

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New Workshop Added: Why Students Behave the Way They Do

Sep. 22, 2011—Why Students Behave the Way They Do: A Teacher’s Guide to Cognitive Development “Why do we have to do group work? It’s such a waste of time! Just lecture and tell us what we need to know.” Are you curious why you hear this phrase in your classes? Why your students are reluctant to work...

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