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2019 Summer Residency Program for PhD Students in the Humanities

Feb. 25, 2019—Objects and Places in an Inquiry-Based Classroom: Teaching, Learning, and Research in the Humanities July 15-26 at the National Humanities Center Application deadline:  March 18, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. The Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities and the Graduate School invite applications from graduate students in good standing in the humanities and the humanistic...

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Teaching Innovations at Vanderbilt: Corbette Doyle and Group Work Promises

Feb. 22, 2019—By Faith Rovenolt, CFT undergraduate intern I recently had the privilege to talk with Professor Corbette Doyle, a Senior Lecturer in Organizational Leadership in the Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations. She has made recent changes in one aspect of her course that strikes fear into many students’ hearts: group work. Doyle, like many professors,...

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Leading Lines Ed Tech Podcast Featuring Christopher Parrish

Feb. 21, 2019—In this episode, we hear from Christopher Parrish, senior vice president and portfolio general manager at 2U. In this interview, John Sloop, Vanderbilt’s associate provost for education development and technologies, talks with Chris Parrish from 2U about 2U’s model for online education, why 2U’s standard university partnership is a ten-year commitment, and where Chris Parrish...

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Improved Multiple Assignment Options Brightspace

Feb. 20, 2019—Did you know Brightspace now gives you multiple assignment options to give students? The new types include: Text Submission, On Paper Submission, and Observed In-Person. Students no longer have to submit a file to a folder in order to obtain an assignment grade! If you want to know more, come by during our drop-in hours...

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Physics Forman lecture: YouTube’s ‘Physics Girl’ discusses using videos in science outreach Feb. 28

Feb. 19, 2019—Dianna Cowern, from YouTube’s The Physics Girl, will be featured at a talk on Thursday, Feb. 28, in the Stevenson Center, Room 4309. The event will begin at 4 p.m. and is open to the Vanderbilt community. It is the Department of Physics and Astronomy’s 2019 Guy and Rebecca Forman Lecture in Science Education. YouTube was originally conceived...

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Open Education Week Features Talk by Christina Hendricks

Feb. 18, 2019—As part of Open Education Week, the Vanderbilt Libraries are hosting an event on Friday, February 22nd, exploring students as producers of open digital content. Christina Hendricks, professor of philosophy and academic director of the Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology at the University of British Columbia-Vancouver, will give a talk titled “Open Educational Practices:...

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Developing a Written Diversity Statement Graduate Student/Postdoc Workshop

Feb. 11, 2019—In this workshop, we will discuss evidence-based practices for writing a diversity statement for the academic job market. Increasingly, universities and colleges are requesting that faculty job applicants provide a statement addressing how they plan to contribute to inclusive excellence in their professional lives. Sometimes, a job ad will request that applicants address diversity in...

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Junior Faculty Spotlight: Leon Bellan

Feb. 8, 2019—Each month, the CFT Newsletter highlights the work of our Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows. This month, Leon Bellan, Mechanical Engineering, talks about his teaching philosophy and interests. My research focuses on developing scalable fabrication techniques for making microfluidic materials with unique properties. We use these microfluidic materials for biomedical, structural, and energy related applications, keeping...

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Come Work at the Center for Teaching!

Feb. 7, 2019—Each year the Center for Teaching (CFT) hires a number of graduate students as part of its efforts to mentor and train graduate students, including those serving as teaching assistants or instructors of record here at Vanderbilt as well as those interested in developing teaching skills for future faculty careers. The CFT has several types...

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“Students as Producers” Course Design Institutes for Faculty and Graduate Students

Feb. 6, 2019—The CFT invites Vanderbilt faculty and graduate students to apply to its 2019 Course Design Institutes on the theme of “Students as Producers.” During the three institutes in May, participants will design (or redesign) courses that engage students not only as consumers of information, but producers of knowledge. Short videos created to explain computer algorithms....

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