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Be Part of the Teaching, Gender, and Sexuality Learning Community

Sep. 4, 2015—All year, the CFT continues its attention to issues of teaching, difference, and power by organizing a learning community on Teaching, Gender, and Sexuality.  The hope for the group is to have a dynamic discussion of, both the many issues that arise when teaching a student body of varied gendered and sexual identities, and how...

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What makes group work work?

Sep. 2, 2015—by Cynthia Brame, CFT Assistant Director We’ve all been there: victims of unproductive and frustrating group work. Perhaps an instructor poses a question, tells us to turn to our neighbor and discuss it, and we all sit silently…because the answer’s obvious and there’s nothing to discuss. Or perhaps we have an end-of-semester project to develop,...

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Making the most out of educational videos

Aug. 31, 2015—by Cynthia J. Brame, CFT Assistant Director Faculty Focus recently released the results of a survey on the flipped classroom, reporting that approximately three quarters of the >1000 respondents had tried flipping the classroom—and that most of them (>60%) found the experience positive for themselves and their students. While about three-fourths of the respondents found...

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Three things I learned while writing about test-enhanced learning

Aug. 24, 2015—By Rachel Biel, CFT undergraduate intern I recently had the privilege of coauthoring an essay about the benefits of testing beyond assessment. As a student who is tested most commonly for formal assessment, the idea of testing as part of the learning process was new to me. Beyond the practical implications of incorporating more testing...

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Learning about the basics of learning

Aug. 17, 2015—By Cynthia Brame, Ph.D., CFT Assistant Director Last September, I read an article in the New York Times Magazine suggesting that pre-testing could improve subsequent student learning. The article was based on work by Elizabeth Ligon Bjork and colleagues, and indicated that pre-testing could help students avoid the “fluency fallacy” and might alert them to...

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Fall Blackboard News: New Features, New Support

Aug. 16, 2015—As the new administrative home for Blackboard, the Center for Teaching (CFT) is excited to announce a number of developments for Vanderbilt’s primary course management system, all part of Vanderbilt’s strategic investment in the use of technology to support student learning. New Features A number of platform upgrades were rolled out this summer providing new...

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Announcing the New Teaching Affiliates for 2015

Aug. 13, 2015—This year’s Teaching Affiliates are, left to right, Jennifer Bradham (Earth Science), Kristen Droege (Chemistry), Kelley Frances Fenelon (Human and Organizational Development), Tim Foster (Spanish),  Allison McGrath (Sociology), Kirsten Mendoza (English), Mike Moody (Economics), Matt Thompson (Chemical Engineering). The Center for Teaching is excited to announce the Teaching Affiliates for 2015. Teaching Affiliates create and...

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CFT Proudly Welcomes the 2015 Cohort of Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows!

Aug. 12, 2015—This year’s Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows are, left to right, Gabriel Briggs (English), Courtney Cook (Nursing), Larisa DeSantis (Earth and Environmental Science), David Diehl (Human and Organizational Development), Anita Disney (Psychology), Ravindra Duddu (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Melissa Glassford (Nursing), Karen Hande (Nursing), David Laird (Leadership, Policy, and Organizations), Abby Parish (Nursing), Anna Richmond (Nursing),...

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New CFT Working Group Will Focus on Online, Collaborative Timelines

Aug. 11, 2015—The CFT is putting together a working group for instructors interested in having students build online, collaborative timelines. Tools like Tiki-Toki and TimelineJS can be used to create interactive, multimedia timelines that can be shared and analyzed. If this sounds like a potentially useful assignment for one of your courses, or if you have experience...

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Peer review of teaching with a helping hand from the CFT

Aug. 11, 2015—by Cynthia Brame, Assistant Director  Peer review is a cornerstone of the way that academics build new knowledge, helping to ensure high quality research that moves fields forward. Peer review of teaching can be a valuable tool for much the same reasons it is valuable for research. It can help departments and individuals reflect on...

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