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Getting Started Teaching at Vanderbilt

Teaching at a new institution, in an unfamiliar department, or even a new course can raise questions for experienced and new instructors alike. This site, sponsored by the Center for Teaching and the Office of the Provost, is designed to address some of those questions along with a quick answer and a resource to consult or contact for further information.

Visit the Getting Started Web resource

Teaching at Vanderbilt: An Orientation for New Faculty (TaV)

At the beginning of every academic year, the Office of the Provost and the Center for Teaching host “Teaching at Vanderbilt,” an orientation for junior and senior faculty new to Vanderbilt. CFT staff are available for teaching consultations and a series of hands-on workshops addressing a variety of teaching topics are offered throughout the week following the event.

Learn more about TaV

Teaching Assistant Orientation (TAO)

Teaching Assistant Orientation (TAO) prepares graduate students to assume their teaching duties with confidence by engaging them in interactive sessions about teaching methods and resources. By attending TAO, you will: Discover effective teaching techniques relevant to the teaching you’ll be doing as a TA, learn about Vanderbilt policies and resources for TAs, practice your teaching skills and receive feedback from more experienced TAs, and explore ways in which you can approach teaching as a scholarly activity.

Learn more about TAO

International Teaching Assistant (ITA) Assessment

The Center for Teaching works closely with the English Language Center (ELC) to assist and support international graduate students as they prepare for and begin their teaching duties at Vanderbilt. This orientation is specifically designed for those international teaching assistants (ITAs) for whom English is not their first language and who have not completed a baccalaureate degree at an institution where English is the language of instruction.

Learn more about ITA