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Experiments in Open Education and Active Learning: A Report from the Celebration of Teaching

May. 21, 2013—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director, and Sarah Collier, 2013 Teaching Certificate Recipient and 2012-13 SoTL Scholar Colleges and universities across North America focus a significant amount of attention on the student-to-instructor ratios in their classrooms, often touting low ratios as reasons to enroll. In recent months, however, it has been fashionable to announce incredibly high...

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Real Science for Real Student: The Scientist in the Classroom Program

May. 20, 2013—by Sarah P. Collier, 2013 Teaching Certificate Recipient and 2012-13 SoTL Scholar Staff from the Scientist in the Classroom Program (SCP) led a fantastic morning session during the CFT’s Celebration of Teaching on Friday, May 3rd. The SCP is one of nine programs offered by the Vanderbilt Center for Science Outreach, which works to unite...

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Ask Professor Pedagogy: Designing Learning Spaces

May. 17, 2013—Ask Professor Pedagogy is a twice monthly advice column written by Center for Teaching staff. One aspect of our mission is to cultivate dialogue about teaching and learning, so we welcome questions and concerns that arise in the classroom; particularly those from Vanderbilt faculty, students, and staff. If you have a question that you’d like...

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Social Pedagogies: Language Teaching with Google Earth and Wikis

May. 16, 2013—by Andrew Greer, 2013 Teaching Certificate Recipient and 2012-13 SoTL Scholar Many of us have memories of foreign language classes with seemingly never-ending repetitions of semi-useful phrases. I remember learning German for years, only to be surprised by my lack of fluency when I traveled to Austria. The repetition of banal phrases in my German...

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Tweets from the Celebration of Teaching: Scientists in the Classroom, Academic Inquiry, and Open Education

May. 15, 2013—by CFT Director Derek Bruff When I attend an academic conference, I’m particularly active on Twitter, live-tweeting the conference by sharing observations, reflections, questions, and resources. A conference backchannel can provide a space for discussion and networking, share highlights from the conference with those not physically present, and serve as an archive for the event....

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Lessons from the Cumberland Project: Teaching Sustainability across the Curriculum

May. 14, 2013—by Andrew Greer, 2013 Teaching Certificate Recipient and 2012-13 SoTL Scholar During the Celebration of Teaching on May 3, Jennifer Fay (Film Studies and English), James Fraser (HOD), and Larisa Grawe DeSantis (Earth and Environmental Sciences) discussed intriguing strategies to incorporate the essential topic of sustainability into the classroom in the contexts of cinematography, urban...

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Celebrating the Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows

May. 13, 2013—The following is a short speech delivered by Assistant Professor of Theatre, Christin Essin, at the May 3, 2013 Celebration of Teaching.  In 2012-13, Christin was one of the Center for Teaching’s Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows.  She delivered these remarks to capture her experiences in the fellowship and to celebrate the work of all of...

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Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows Reflect on Exemplary Teaching

May. 9, 2013—by Lyndsey Fyffe, 2013 Teaching Certificate Recipient Exemplary teaching was the theme and mantra of the “Innovative and Effective Teaching by Junior Faculty: Cases from the Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows” session at the May 3rd Celebration of Teaching at Vanderbilt. Interested junior faculty members in the audience were introduced to the Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows...

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Teaching at Vanderbilt: A Dean’s Perspective

May. 8, 2013—by CFT Director Derek Bruff Last Friday, the Center for Teaching and the Graduate School honored the achievements of the Vanderbilt teaching community at our annual Celebration of Teaching, held this year at the Commons Center. We expanded the event for 2013 to include a variety of panels and presentations throughout the day featuring successes,...

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Ask Professor Pedagogy: Assigning and Grading Writing

May. 3, 2013—Ask Professor Pedagogy is a twice monthly advice column written by Center for Teaching staff. One aspect of our mission is to cultivate dialogue about teaching and learning, so we welcome questions and concerns that arise in the classroom; particularly those from Vanderbilt faculty, students, and staff. If you have a question that you’d like...

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