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Meet the CFT’s HASTAC Scholar Zoe LeBlanc

Nov. 13, 2012—This year the CFT is proud to sponsor history doctoral student Zoe LeBlanc as a HASTAC Scholar. HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory) is a global network of individuals and institutions that come together to share, collaborate, and learn through online forums, blogs, conferences, social media and other channels of communication. The HASTAC...

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Junior Faculty: Visit John McClure’s divinity class at next week’s teaching visit

Nov. 12, 2012—A Teaching Visit involves a small group of faculty who observe a colleague’s class (on a selected day), followed by an hour of conversation about what was observed, particularly shared teaching challenges. The Center for Teaching has hosted Teaching Visits for many years and they have been among the most productive and helpful events we...

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From the Stacks…

Nov. 8, 2012—The Technology Toolbelt for Teaching by Susan Manning, Kevin E. Johnson This book offers a hands-on resource that shows how to integrate technology into lessons and offers information about common technologies, categorizing by groups, and explains the purposes they serve pedagogically as well as how they can be most effectively used in online or face-to-face classrooms. In addition to examples,...

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Junior Faculty Teaching Fellow Spotlight:Bennett Landman

Nov. 8, 2012—Each month, the CFT Newsletter highlights the work of our Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows. This month, Bennett Landman, Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, talks about his teaching philosophy and interests: The opportunity to work with, teach and learn from creative young individuals is one of the great privileges of being a faculty member....

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Junior Faculty: Visit John Lachs’s philosophy class at next week’s teaching visit

Nov. 7, 2012—A Teaching Visit involves a small group of faculty who observe a colleague’s class (on a selected day), followed by an hour of conversation about what was observed, particularly shared teaching challenges. The Center for Teaching has hosted Teaching Visits for many years and they have been among the most productive and helpful events we...

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Vanderbilt Brings EDUCAUSE to Campus

Nov. 6, 2012—Select sessions from the 2012 EDUCAUSE National Conference will be streamed live here at Vanderbilt from November 7 through 9. EDUCAUSE is the largest professional association for higher education IT professionals. The annual conference happens in Denver next week and ITS, along with the School of Medicine, the School of Nursing, and the Center for...

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Episode 39 – Student Learning on Display: Vanderbilt Theater from 1940s to 1960s

Nov. 6, 2012—In this episode, CFT director, Derek Bruff, attends a student poster session where he talks with Vanderbilt student Sam Mallick about how he spent the summer exploring the university’s collection of papers from Joseph E. Wright‘s tenure as director of the Vanderbilt Theatre. Sam participated in the Vanderbilt Undergraduate Summer Research Program (VUSRP). [MP3,...

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CIRTL Webcasts Explore Topics in STEM Education

Nov. 6, 2012—The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) is an NSF Center for Learning and Teaching in higher education. The goal of CIRTL is to improve the STEM learning of all students at every college and university, and thereby to increase the diversity in STEM fields and the STEM literacy of the...

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Community Engagement Expert to Visit CFT November 12th

Nov. 5, 2012—The Center for Teaching is hosting a conversation with Barbara Holland, recognized internationally for her expertise on organizational change in higher education, community engagement, service-learning, and partnerships. Her talk entitled “The Strategic Importance of Community Engagement to University Success” will be held at the Center for Teaching on Monday, November 12th at 4:00pm. Dr. Holland...

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Need help crafting a teaching statement?

Nov. 5, 2012—by Jessica Riviere, CFT Graduate Teaching Fellow You’re not alone! The CFT frequently has requests for help from TA’s and instructors who need to write a teaching statement, but don’t know where to start. Many of these requests come from individuals who have been TA’s with very little teaching experience; who want to strike a balance...

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