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Course improvement grant spotlight: “Incorporating Japanese cultural experiences for Japanese language course”

Nov. 4, 2021—Asami Nakano, Lecturer in Asian Studies, talked with CFT assistant director Julaine Fowlin about her Course Improvement Grant, “Incorporating Japanese cultural experiences for Japanese language course.” Asami believes that authentic language learning involves integration of cultural experiences. In the video interview, she shares that in Tennessee there are not many opportunities for authentic Japanese cultural...

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Making the most of clinical conference courses: Adding a “pair and share” element to prompt student engagement and reflection

Nov. 4, 2021—by Cynthia J. Brame I recently had the opportunity to watch Janelle Delle, Assistant Professor of Nursing, run one of the clinical conferences that she has with small groups of students every week. The point of a clinical conference course is to help students make sense of and learn from their ongoing clinical experiences, a...

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Workshop: Teaching with Case Studies

Nov. 1, 2021—Case studies are a signature pedagogy throughout the professions and increasingly across all liberal arts disciplines.  When used effectively, they can motivate students to learn deeply through meaningful, complex, and real-world scenarios, elevating anything from analytical thought to ethical reasoning, applied practices to theoretical critique. This workshop will explore how case studies are or can...

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Updated Guide! Dealing with the Unexpected: Teaching When You or Your Students Can’t Make it to Class

Oct. 29, 2021—In 2017, the CFT first published a guide called Dealing with the Unexpected: Teaching When You or Your Students Can’t Make it to Class in response to concerns about how unpredictable events like travel delays or illness like the flu might affect student and faculty ability to attend class meetings. That guide has gone through...

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New Guide on Project-based and Dynamic Collaborative Learning

Oct. 29, 2021—The newest addition to the CFT’s Course Development Resources (CDR) site, entitled Project-Based and Dynamic Collaborative Learning, is all about how instructors can design meaningful, effective group work through research-informed strategies and the intentional use of technology. The guide explores the research on collaborative groups and answers questions such as: How should we form groups?...

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Course improvement grant spotlight: “Compare studies of 3D materials to creating quizzes to consider whether learning strategy outshines motivation in memory retention.”

Oct. 28, 2021—Alison Hilbun, senior lecturer in biological sciences, recently talked to CFT associate director Cynthia Brame about her Course Improvement Grant, “Compare studies of 3D materials to creating quizzes to consider whether learning strategy outshines motivation in memory retention.” Can you tell me briefly about your project and what inspired you to do it? Part of...

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Workshop: Decolonizing Our Teaching

Oct. 26, 2021—The exhortation to “decolonize” our syllabi and our teaching more generally has become increasingly common across higher education in recent years. For its many advocates, decolonization can include a wide variety of practices, such as the acknowledgement of indigenous land claims, understanding how the culture of colonialism has shaped our disciplines, diversifying the canons of...

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Educational advancement fund spotlight: “A transformative learning approach for FL2 Spanish students”

Oct. 22, 2021—Carolina Palacios, senior lecturer in Spanish, recently talked to CFT assistant director Julaine Fowlin about her Educational Advancement Fund grant, “A transformative learning approach for FL2 Spanish students.” Can you tell us briefly about your project and what inspired you to do this project? This project fosters life-long learning and involves transformative learning in FL2...

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ASPIRE Job Search Series: Preparing for a Teaching Demo

Oct. 18, 2021—How do you put together an effective teaching demonstration for a job interview? How is it different from a research seminar and how can you link the two? Come learn about key considerations for developing this important piece of your interview portfolio. Date: Thursday, October 21 Time: 11:00 Location: Light Hall 419 BCD REGISTER ....

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Course improvement grant spotlight: “Cloud-hosted Python notebook for teaching biomedical signals and systems.”

Oct. 14, 2021—                                              Will Grissom, associate professor of biomedical engineering; “Cloud-hosted Python notebook for teaching biomedical signals and systems.”   Can you tell me briefly about your course improvement grant project and what inspired you...

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