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The CFT welcomes the 2019-20 BOLD Fellow Teams!

Sep. 18, 2019—The BOLD Fellows program helps graduate students from all disciplines design and develop online learning experiences, from building online learning modules to fostering online spaces for their students to interact. Each Fellow works with a faculty member who has identified a teaching “problem” in a particular course and develops a potential solution that they then...

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Mid-Semester Student Feedback

Sep. 17, 2019—The feedback students provide about your teaching on their end-of-semester course evaluations can be valuable in helping you improve and refine your teaching.  Soliciting mid-semester student feedback has the additional benefit of allowing you to hear your students’ concerns while there is still time in the semester to make appropriate changes.  A Small Group Analysis...

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Teaching Writing Workshop Series: Responding to Student Writing

Sep. 16, 2019—Over the course of the academic year, the Writing Studio leads a series of faculty workshops focused on different aspects of teaching writing. Workshops provide participants with current research, strategies for best practices, and a forum for discussing how these approaches might be adapted to teaching writing in their disciplines. The Teaching Writing Workshop Series...

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Teaching Innovations at Vanderbilt: Lisa Fazio and Peerceptiv

Sep. 16, 2019—By Faith Rovenolt, CFT undergraduate intern As a student, I have complicated feelings about peer review. It can be incredibly helpful, but only if it’s implemented well and if all students involved put real time and effort into giving useful feedback. That’s why I think Dr. Lisa Fazio’s use of Peerceptiv could be useful to...

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Leading Lines Podcast Interview with Chris Gilliard

Sep. 15, 2019—In this episode we talk with Chris Gilliard, Professor of English at Macomb Community College. His scholarship concentrates on privacy, institutional tech policy, digital redlining, and the re-inventions of discriminatory practices through data mining and algorithmic decision-making, especially as these apply to college students. Chris talks with Derek Bruff about some of the problems and...

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Catch Up with Season Six of the Leading Lines Ed Tech Podcast

Sep. 13, 2019—Leading Lines kicked off season six in August with an interview with Randall Bass. Randy is vice provost for education and a professor in the English department at Georgetown University. He was the founding director of Georgetown’s teaching center, the Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship (CNDLS), and one of the first educators...

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Student motivation journal club: Starting the year with a framework to understand motivation

Sep. 12, 2019—by Cynthia J. Brame, CFT Associate Director Last week, my colleague Heather Fedesco and I convened the first meeting of a new, CFT-sponsored journal club on student motivation. We were excited to see the 15 or so faculty members who were there (and to get emails from others who had to miss it but plan...

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Graduate Student/Postdoc Workshop: Crafting an Effective Teaching Statement

Sep. 11, 2019—In this workshop, we will address best practices for writing a teaching statement/philosophy for the academic job market. This workshop is open to Vanderbilt graduate students & Postdocs from across the disciplines who want to improve their teaching portfolio materials. All teaching experience levels are welcome.   Date: Monday, September 16 Time: 12:30-2:00 pm Location:...

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CFT Announces New Graduate Teaching Fellows

Sep. 10, 2019—L to R: Chad Carpenter (Mechanical Engineering), Rachel Gould (English), Leah Roberts (Human & Organizational Development), and Chelsea Yarborough (Religion) The Center for Teaching is excited to announce the Graduate Teaching Fellows for 2019-20. GTFs provide a variety of services for Vanderbilt’s graduate, post docs and professional students, including one-on-one consultations on teaching issues and professional development, syllabus...

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Vanderbilt Instructors Open Their Classroom Doors September 9-13

Sep. 9, 2019—Would you like to watch one of your colleagues teach to see how they manage the classroom, engage students, or address challenging subjects? Do you ever feel like you toil in private to learn how to teach? You’re not alone. Too often in higher education we instructors do not have the opportunity to watch and...

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