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Open Dores: Two Days of Teaching Visits

Sep. 21, 2016—by Marianna Sharp, CFT Communications Intern On September 27th and 28th some of Vanderbilt’s talented faculty members will be opening their classrooms to their fellow professors and graduate students. This year’s Open Dores CFT event differs somewhat from past years’ Teaching Visit programming—more condensed, but with a wider selection of classrooms open for visitors. In...

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Leading Lines Episode 4: Jeff Rice, University of Kentucky

Sep. 19, 2016—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director Our latest episode of Leading Lines is out today. In this episode, we feature an interview with Jeff Rice, inaugural chair of the Department of Writing, Rhetoric & Digital Studies (WRD) at the University of Kentucky.  Rice also holds the Martha B. Reynolds Chair in Writing, Rhetoric & Digital Studies,...

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SIPX: A Blackboard-Integrated Tool for Copyright Compliance

Sep. 16, 2016—You may have heard about SIPX, a tool recently acquired by the Vanderbilt Library to streamline the copyright compliance process for course readings. With the addition of SIPX to the Blackboard tool set, instructors now have the ability to find course readings themselves from the library holdings (or from other sources)  and place the links...

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BOLD Fellow Kelly Gilmore Presents Poster at American Chemical Society National Meeting

Sep. 12, 2016—Kelly Gilmore, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Chemistry at Vanderbilt, recently presented a poster of her BOLD Fellows project at the 2016 American Chemical Society (ACS) national meeting in Philadelphia, PA, in August. Kelly’s poster, entitled “Establishing a Foundation of Acid-Base Chemistry Using an Interactive Online Module,” presented her research on an online...

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Evidence-Based STEM Teaching: Free Online Courses Launch September 19th

Sep. 1, 2016—The Center for Teaching, in collaboration with colleagues from several other universities, is offering two free online courses on evidence-based STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) teaching this fall. Both courses launch on Monday, September 19th, with course materials available in preview mode on September 15th. If you are a current or future STEM faculty...

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New CFT Teaching Guide – Leveraging Study Abroad: Collecting and Teaching with Authentic Resources

Aug. 24, 2016—By Stacey M. Johnson and Vivian Finch, CFT Assistant Directors In language classrooms, instructors often bring in authentic language and culture resources for students to examine. These resources help students to gain a  perspective on how people use language in culturally situated ways. For many students, contact with authentic resources is one of the most...

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New and Continuing Learning Communities at the CFT

Aug. 16, 2016—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director The CFT hosts a number of learning communities, intended for members of Vanderbilt’s teaching community interested in meeting over time to develop deeper understandings and richer practices around particular teaching and learning topics.  This year’s learning communities are: Teaching and Social Class – The CFT continues its attention to issues...

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Call for Proposals: Senior Faculty Fellows at the CFT

Aug. 15, 2016—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director I’m excited to announce a new opportunity for faculty at the Center for Teaching.  This fall we’re launching a Senior Faculty Fellows program, designed to support faculty as they help build a strong teaching culture here at Vanderbilt.  If you’re interested in working with colleagues and with the CFT to...

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Leading Lines Episode 2: Corbette Doyle, Vanderbilt University

Aug. 15, 2016—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director I’m excited to share the second episode of our new educational technology podcast, Leading Lines. When my colleagues and I started brainstorming ideas for a new educational technology podcast, we knew we wanted to include Vanderbilt instructors who use technology in innovative ways.  We talk to colleagues regularly who impress...

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Leading Lines: A New Podcast on Educational Technology in Higher Education

Aug. 1, 2016—By Derek Bruff, CFT Director I’m very happy to announce the launch of Leading Lines, a podcast on educational technology produced here at Vanderbilt University.  Our first episode features an interview with George Siemens, executive director of the Learning Innovation and Networked Knowledge (LINK) Research Lab at the University of Texas at Arlington, who provides...

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