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Vanderbilt Graduate Students Present Research on Teaching Tools and Approaches in the Classroom

May. 26, 2016—The BOLD, TAR, VIDL, and SoTL Fellows presented on Wednesday, May 18, 2016 in the Library Community Room in the Central Library. The event included 19 projects, including four short oral presentations and a poster session. Most of the projects investigated how technology could be used to promote student learning in undergraduate classrooms, while others focused...

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Multi-disciplinary Panel Discussion on Diversity in STEM

May. 26, 2016—On June 8, 2016 at 2:30 pm CT, there will be an all-star group of Black scholars assembled for a candid conversation on the challenges and the potential solutions to address diversity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).  Directly after the panel discussion, there will be a reception in the lobby of the Wyatt...

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Coupling curriculum revision and scholarship in the School of Nursing

May. 18, 2016—We need to have coordinated lectures throughout our curriculum so that students get key concepts early and then build on that solid foundation. We need to avoid undesired redundancy. We need to keep students engaged throughout the three 8-hour days they spend with us in block. We need to quit powerpointing students to death. In...

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Graduate students present investigations of teaching tools and approaches on May 18th

Apr. 28, 2016—Several programs at Vanderbilt help graduate students address questions of teaching and learning within their discipline. Among these are the BOLD Fellows program, sponsored by the Center for Teaching and CIRTL, which focuses on creating and assessing online instructional approaches for use in a Vanderbilt course; the TAR Fellows program, a flagship CIRTL program; and...

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Junior Faculty Teaching Fellow Spotlight: Melissa Glassfor

Apr. 15, 2016—Each month, the CFT Newsletter highlights the work of our Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows. This month, Melissa Glassford, Nursing, talks about her teaching philosophy and interests. I teach in the Family Nurse Practitioner Program at the School of Nursing, instructing nurses as they develop the skills and knowledge to become primary care providers for individuals...

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Biological Sciences Seminar Series features Biology Education Researcher Kimberly Tanner on April 18th

Apr. 14, 2016—Dr. Kimberly Tanner, Professor of Biology at San Francisco State University and 2012 national Outstanding University Science Teacher, will give a seminar in the Biological Sciences Department Monday, April 18, 4:10-5:15 in Medical Research Building III, room 1220. Professor Tanner directs the Science Education Partnership and Assessment Laboratory, which facilitates and investigates the impact of scientist-teacher partnerships...

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Campus Invited to Course Management System Vendor Demos in April

Apr. 11, 2016—The Center for Teaching invites Vanderbilt faculty, staff, and students to a series of product demonstrations by the three vendors under consideration for Vanderbilt’s next course management system (CMS). The demonstrations, along with feedback from those who attend them, will inform Vanderbilt’s decision to renew its contract with Blackboard, set to expire in 2017, or...

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Making Course Evaluations More Meaningful

Apr. 11, 2016—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director Course evaluations for spring semester courses begin today. When I served on the Provost’s Committee on the Evaluation of Teaching a couple of years ago, I found that instructors commonly face two challenges when it comes to course evaluations: motivating students to complete them (and thus increasing response rates) and...

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From the Stacks…

Apr. 8, 2016—Promoting Integrated and Transformative Assessment: A Deeper Focus on Student Learning by Catherine M. Wehlburg Assessment plays a key role in institutions of higher education. However, many colleges and universities simply add their assessment plans onto other teaching, learning, service, and research activities in order to prepare for an impending accreditation visit. In this important...

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BOLD Fellows Program is Accepting Applications

Apr. 7, 2016—We are recruiting graduate students to participate in the BOLD Fellows program beginning in August 2016. The BOLD Fellows program is designed to help graduate student/faculty teams build expertise in developing online instructional modules grounded in good course design principles and our understanding of how people learn. STEM faculty members partner with graduate students or postdocs to design and develop online modules...

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