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Visual Thinking in the Classroom – Workshop with Nick Sousanis, December 4th

Nov. 24, 2015—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director I’m excited to share that the Center for Teaching is co-sponsoring a workshop on visual thinking in the classroom next Friday, December 4th, led by Nick Sousanis. Visual Thinking in the Classroom Facilitator: Nick Sousanis, University of Calgary Friday, December 4th, 2:10-3:00pm Buttrick 202 In Nick Sousanis’ book Unflattening, written...

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Upcoming Teaching Workshops for Graduate Students & Postdocs

Nov. 13, 2015—An Enticing Glimpse into Your Classroom: Crafting an Effective Teaching Portfolio In this workshop we will gather and select documentation to help capture your unique approach to teaching. As a participant, you will receive individualized feedback on your documents which will help you determine how best to describe your pedagogy and to discern which items...

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Junior Faculty Teaching Fellow Spotlights: LaTonya Trotter and Courtney Cook

Nov. 11, 2015—Each month, the CFT Newsletter highlights the work of our Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows. This month, LaTonya Trotter, Sociology, and Courtney Cook, Nursing, talk about their teaching philosophy and interests. LaTonya Trotter I am a medical sociologist.  However, most of my students are future physicians, nurses, and engineers, not social scientists.  Therefore, my course goals...

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BOLD Fellows Program Now Accepting Applications for 2016

Nov. 10, 2015—The BOLD Fellows program is designed to help graduate student/faculty teams build expertisein developing online instructional modules grounded in good course design principles and our understanding of how people learn. STEM faculty members partner with graduate students or postdocs to design and develop online modules for integration into a course, either as a tool to promote flipping the classroom, a module...

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Upcoming Blackboard Support Offerings

Nov. 9, 2015—Drop-in Support Hours for November/December Blackboard Support at the CFT will be offering drop-in times in November and December for faculty, graduate students, and staff using Blackboard. Come get technical and pedagogical support from a team of Blackboard specialists during our drop-in support hours: Monday            11/9/15 1-3pm Monday            11/16/15 1-3pm Monday            11/30/15  1-3pm Monday            12/7/15 1-3pm...

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Graduate Fellow Wins Poster Award at Health Professions Education Research Day

Nov. 5, 2015—Hannah Krimm, PhD student in Hearing & Speech Sciences and a BOLD Fellow, recently received the Blue Ribbon Poster Award at the 2015 Gerald S. Gotterer Health Professions Education Research Day (HPERD). Hannah’s poster, entitled “Effect of an Online Learning Module for Transcription and Phonological Awareness,” is based on the study and development of the...

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Upcoming Faculty Teaching Visit with Dr. Leigh Gilchrist: Thursday, Nov 12th

Nov. 5, 2015—Leigh Gilchrist, Assistant Professor of the Practice and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Human and Organizational Development HOD 3221: Health Service Delivery to Diverse Populations Leigh Gilchrist is Assistant Professor of the Practice and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Human and Organizational Development at Peabody College.  In HOD 3221:...

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THATCamp Vanderbilt: Explore the Digital Humanities November 6-7

Nov. 4, 2015—This weekend marks the fourth annual THATCamp Vanderbilt, which will occur this Friday and Saturday, November 6th and 7th, at the Vanderbilt Curb Center for Enterprise and Public Policy, located at 1801 Edgehill Avenue, Nashville, TN 37212. The event is free and open to the public. Visit the THATCamp Vanderbilt website to see the latest schedule...

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Upcoming Faculty Teaching Visit with Dr. Katherine Crawford: Monday, Nov 2nd

Oct. 26, 2015—Katherine Crawford, Professor of History and Director of Women’s and Gender Studies HIST 2835: Sexuality and Gender in the Western Tradition Katherine Crawford is Professor of History and Director of Women’s and Gender Studies.  In HIST 2835: Sexuality and Gender in the Western Tradition, she helps students come to understand the complexities of social and...

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BOLD Fellows Program Helps Develop Online Instruction

Oct. 23, 2015—Vanderbilt’s Center for Teaching and the CIRTL Network (Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning) share a mission to enhance excellence in undergraduate teaching. The CFT and CIRTL are partnering to offer the BOLD Fellows program, which is support by NSF grant DUE-1231286 to the CIRTL Network. 2015-16 BOLD FELLOW TEAMS The program...

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