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The Mindful PhD: Daydream Believer

Feb. 14, 2014—by Nancy Chick, CFT Assistant Director I’ve previously written about the specific kind of meditation that leads to “Inspiration, Creativity, & New Ideas,” but I want to return to this issue. Creativity is a necessary skill in all disciplines, yet it’s among the most difficult to teach. The research on mindfulness offers a few different strategies....

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Students as Producers of Disciplinary Habits

Feb. 14, 2014—by Nancy Chick, CFT Assistant Director The CFT’s recent Teaching Visit hosted by Phil Ackerman-Lieberman illustrated our 2013-14 theme of Students as Producers in a way that’s different from our previous examples.  These other instances typically focus on specific course assignments that engage students in actively creating something, often directing their work toward authentic audiences...

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The Power of Design: What design projects can teach our students—and us

Feb. 13, 2014—By Cynthia J. Brame, Assistant Director  This year, the CFT has adopted a “Students as Producers” theme, exploring ways that instructors can scaffold their classes to help students do meaningful, creative work. Design projects, the linchpin of any engineering curriculum, illustrate some of the key benefits and lessons of helping your students be producers. I’ve...

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How to (Re)frame Your Teaching for Non-academic Jobs

Feb. 12, 2014—By Andrew Greer, Graduate Teaching Fellow  Attention fellow graduate students: Eventually we will seek employment outside of our programs. If you’re like me, your search is in full force. With the majority of academic applications behind me, I’ve switched my strategy to applying for non-academic jobs. This switch not only requires transforming my CV into...

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The Growing Pains of the MOOC

Feb. 11, 2014—by Bernadette Doykos, Graduate Teaching Fellow [book id=” /]Over the last twenty five years, enrollment in institutions of higher education has expanded across all demographics; however, critical disparities in access persist. As a result, scholars and practitioners alike have been in search of the mechanism to enhance equity in education. Massive open online courses (MOOC)...

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Show and Tell: More Visual Presentations

Feb. 10, 2014—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director I’m giving a presentation this afternoon on the use of visuals in lectures and other academic presentations. I like to have the slides or Prezi I use for my own presentations available online at the start of those presentations, so I’m sharing my Prezi for this afternoon’s presentation here on...

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More & More Accessible Guides from CFT

Feb. 8, 2014—The CFT has quietly rolled out a new organizational structure for our guides, online documents in which we synthesize and condense some of the research and resulting practices of specific topics in teaching and learning. If you go to the CFT Homepage and hover your mouse over the “Guides” drop-down menu, you’ll see five categories ...

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