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Thank you for visiting the Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education (AdvancED- formerly known as the Center for Teaching).

We are currently redeveloping our site. For current events and workshops, please visit our new site.


Upcoming Teaching Worshop – Engaging Students as Learners and as Participants in Community Building: The Synergies of Service Learning

Nov. 7, 2013—Date: Thursday, November 14th Time: 4:10 – 5:30 Location: Center for Teaching Facilitator: Joe Bandy Audience: Faculty, Students (Undergraduate and Graduate), and Staff Service learning is a pedagogy that combines the learning goals of your courses and the ideals of community service in class projects that can enhance both student development and the common good. ...

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The Mindful PhD: How It Works, IV

Nov. 6, 2013—by Nancy Chick, CFT Assistant Director There are few silver bullets in teaching and learning, but a handful of strategies are so grounded in evidence that I sometimes feel like shouting from rooftops.  One is metacognition.*  Another is how students view their own intelligence. Carol Dweck describes it as having either a “fixed mindset” (believing...

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Save the Date: A Celebration of Learning on April 21, 2014

Nov. 6, 2013—The final event in the Vanderbilt Center for Teaching’s “Students as Producers” theme year will be a Celebration of Learning on April 21, 2014, in Alumni Hall.  The event, held from 3 to 6 p.m. on the last day of spring classes, will feature students and the products of their learning experiences in courses at...

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MOOCs on Evidence-Based Teaching Practices for Future STEM Faculty: A $750K NSF WIDER Grant

Nov. 4, 2013—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director I’m pleased to announce that the Center for Teaching will be part of a $750,000, three-year, multi-institution National Science Foundation WIDER grant supporting the creation of two MOOCs (massive open online courses) on evidence-based teaching practices for future STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) faculty. I am one of the...

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Speaking into Humanity: French Students as Producers

Nov. 4, 2013—by Nancy Chick, CFT Assistant Director The CFT’s theme this year, “Students as Producers,” has given me the opportunity to talk with some talented and thoughtful colleagues across campus. On October 24, I brought together three of them to have a conversation on teaching about “Producing, Performing, & Creating Learning across the Humanities: Models of...

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Students as Producers: Bringing the Digital into (and out of) the Humanities Classroom #THATCampVU

Nov. 1, 2013—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director I’m also giving a workshop today at THATCamp Vanderbilt. The session is titled “Students as Producers: Bringing the Digital into (and out of) the Humanities Classroom,” and it’s co-presented with Vivian Finch, doctoral student in German and the CFT’s HASTAC Scholar. Below you’ll find the Prezi we’re using. Click on...

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Show and Tell: More Visual Presentations

Nov. 1, 2013—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director I’m giving a presentation later today on campus on effective multimedia presentations, particularly in the classroom context. Since I like to give participants in my sessions access to my slides at the start of those sessions, I’m posting my slides here on the CFT blog. I’m not using slides, of...

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