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Thank you for visiting the Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education (AdvancED- formerly known as the Center for Teaching).

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Engaging Ethically and Actively in Online Communities

Jan. 8, 2019—by Chelsea Yarborough, Graduate Teaching Fellow, and Derek Bruff, Director The CFT’s learning community on teaching digital literacies concluded its fall conversation series on November 13th with a discussion of the ways instructors can help students participate productively in online communities. To get the conversation started, Derek Bruff, CFT director, invited each of our three...

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Are you interested in adding captions to your Kaltura videos?

Dec. 12, 2018—When it comes to online videos, accessibility is very important.  Many times, self-made videos lack captions that can assist those who are hearing impaired.  To address this, Kaltura has added a new captioning tool that can help make your videos more accessible to others. This tool is already enabled inside of your Kaltura instance inside...

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Leading Lines Ed Tech Podcast with Max Seidman

Dec. 11, 2018—In the game Monarch, players compete to the be the heir to the throne. The game is cleverly designed and has amazing art, but what makes it different is that all the characters are women. The dying monarch is the queen, and players are princesses striving to show their wisdom and strength. Monarch upends some...

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Junior Faculty Spotlight: Sarah Suiter

Dec. 10, 2018—Each month, the CFT Newsletter highlights the work of our Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows. This month, Sarah Suiter, Human and Organizational Development, talks about her teaching philosophy and interests. I am faculty in the Human & Organizational Development Department at Peabody College, but my primary teaching responsibilities lie with the Community Development & Action master’s...

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Celebration of Learning: An Exhibition of Students as Producers

Dec. 7, 2018—On February 4, 2019, the Center for Teaching will hold a Celebration of Learning, an exhibition of students as producers. The event will feature students from all over campus sharing what they have learned, created, designed, and discovered, providing the Vanderbilt community with a picture of deep learning across the colleges and schools. We are...

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Junior Faculty Spotlight: Uttam Ghosh

Nov. 26, 2018—Each month, the CFT Newsletter highlights the work of our Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows. This month, Uttam Ghosh, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, talks about his teaching philosophy and interests. I am an Assistant Professor of the Practice in EECS Department at Vanderbilt University since 2018. I obtained my PhD and Master of Science (by...

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Leading Lines Podcast Featuring Julia Feerrar

Nov. 16, 2018—In this episode, we hear from Julia Feerrar, head of digital initiatives at the Virginia Tech Libraries. She speaks with producer Melissa Mallon about a framework for digital literacy that she helped develop, a framework that includes a variety of competencies, from discovery and evaluation, to communication and creation, to identity and well-being. Julia and...

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