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Learning Online with Social Annotation

Jul. 26, 2021—This spring CFT executive director Derek Bruff experimented with the social annotation tool Perusall in his first-year writing seminar. Perusall allowed him to share a variety of course materials with students, including news articles, podcast episodes, and YouTube video, and to invite students to annotate those texts collaboratively. He used the tool in several different...

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Upcoming Conversation on Teaching: Overcoming the ‘busywork’ Dilemma

Jan. 12, 2021—Overcoming the ‘busywork’ Dilemma: Creating Meaningful Asynchronous Activities for Student Engagement The busywork dilemma is where students perceive that assigned learning activities or assessments are not meaningfully contributing to their learning. This can be very frustrating to instructors as they often put a lot of effort and time into the design and implementation of these activities. This...

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