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‘Teaching Guide’

Teaching with Digital Timelines

Jun. 28, 2016—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director This year the Center for Teaching hosted a few educational technology working groups for faculty, staff, and students interested in exploring ways particular technologies might meet their instructional goals. One of the groups investigated the use of digital timeline tools, like Tiki-Toki and TimelineJS, that facilitate the creation of online,...

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Writing the Pedagogy for Professional Schools and Students Guide

Mar. 4, 2016—by Richard Coble, Graduate Teaching Fellow Is there a problem with professional schools? A growing number of commenters and scholars have decried the professionalization of education, the perceived movement in colleges and universities away from the liberal arts and preparing thoughtful citizenship to meeting market-based needs. But does this critique necessarily apply to professional schools?...

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New CFT Teaching Guide on Group Work

Oct. 22, 2015—We’ve all been there: victims of unproductive and frustrating group work. Perhaps an instructor poses a question, tells us to turn to our neighbor and discuss it, and we all sit silently…because the answer’s obvious and there’s nothing to discuss. Or perhaps we have an end-of-semester project to develop, and two of the four group...

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CFT Teaching Guides Week: Day 5

May. 22, 2015—Day 5: Feminist Pedagogy In mid-February, the CFT hosted a committed group of graduate student instructors from different disciplines along with Graduate Teaching Fellow, Benjamin Galina, and former Assistant Director, Nancy Chick, to participate in a collaborative write-a-thon on feminist pedagogy. Those graduate student instructors, all of whom had expressed interest in feminist pedagogy in...

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CFT Teaching Guides Week: Day 4

May. 21, 2015—Day 4: Peer Review of Teaching Today’s featured guide is fresh off the presses (so to speak) and is making its debut today on the CFT website: Peer Review of Teaching.  Written by CFT Assistant Director, Dr. Joe Bandy, this teaching guide establishes a framework for talking about and engaging in peer review in teaching...

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CFT Teaching Guides Week: Day 3

May. 20, 2015—Day 3: Keeping Stress from Evolving into Distress: A Guide on Managing Student Stress through Course Design If there can be one college experience that can be applied to all students, it is called stress.  Whether students have to pull an all-nighter to finish an essay or they have to navigate taking coursework from various...

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CFT Teaching Guides Week: Day 2

May. 19, 2015—Day 2: Teaching Students with Disabilities Students of all abilities and backgrounds want classrooms that are inclusive and convey respect. For those students with disabilities, the classroom setting may present certain challenges that need accommodation and consideration. – “Teaching Students with Disabilities” CFT Teaching Guide   Today’s featured teaching guide is “Teaching Students with Disabilities“,...

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CFT Teaching Guides Week: Day 1

May. 18, 2015—Here at the Center for Teaching, we’re always having conversations around best teaching practices that promote student learning, and we look to develop content that shares these reflections and conversations in the form of our teaching guides and blog posts.  Now that the academic year has come to a “close”, we’re excited to look back...

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A New Guide on Teaching Students with Disabilities

Jan. 20, 2015—Students of all abilities and backgrounds want classrooms that are inclusive and convey respect. For those students with disabilities, the classroom setting may present certain challenges that need accommodation and consideration. The Center for Teaching has embarked upon a theme year on Teaching, Difference, and Power as a way to explore many of the challenges...

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A New Guide on Increasing Inclusivity in the Classroom

Nov. 17, 2014—Among the greatest challenges facing higher education in the US rests in its difficulties confronting, rather than replicating, an array of social inequalities, and in related efforts to create diverse and democratic campus cultures. These challenges touch every area of campus life, but no domain is as central to this work as the classroom. The...

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