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May Lunchtime Workshops Announced – Register Now!

Posted by on Thursday, April 28, 2011 in Events, News.

Join the Center for Teaching for lunch on May 9 and 10!

The CFT is pleased to announce a series of hands-on lunchtime workshops available to the Vanderbilt teaching community in May.  These workshops are intended to help participants make use of some of the ideas and tools discussed in CFT workshops and consultations this year.  The sessions stand alone, however, so all are welcome to attend.  Lunch will be provided at each of these workshops, and all workshops are held at the Center for Teaching.

Starting Smart: The Syllabus as a Tool for Negotiating Student Expectations
Monday, May 9, 2011, 12:00-2:00pm
Facilitator: Derek Bruff, CFT Assistant Director
Register for this event

Students and faculty sometimes have very different expectations about teaching and learning—about grades, learning goals, student responsibilities, instructor responsibilities, and so on.  Different expectations can create a variety of teaching challenges, often leading to frustration for both teachers and students.  In this workshop, we’ll discuss the syllabus as a way to address, clarify, and negotiate expectations at the very start of the semester—and prevent some of these difficulties.  Get a head start on your fall course planning by shaping parts of your syllabus during this workshop.

This session will draw on perspectives shared by faculty and students at two of our spring workshops (one on expectations about grades and one on expectations about responsibilities).  However, you need not have attended either of those sessions to benefit from this workshop.

Tools for Teaching: Creating a Blog or Wiki for Your Class
Tuesday, May 10, 2011, 12:00-2:00pm
Facilitator: Rhett McDaniel, CFT Educational Technologist
Register for this event

As digital writing becomes more commonplace in Vanderbilt courses, you may want to think about adding a blog or a wiki to your course activities. If you have been considering incorporating either a blog or wiki in your course but are not sure how to get started with it, this hands-on session will help you learn how to set-up your account and become comfortable with the basic features. We’ll also talk about some ideas and tips on making a blog or wiki a success for you and your students.

NOTE: This is a hands-on workshop so please bring your laptop computer. If you’d like to attend but don’t have one to bring, please contact Rhett McDaniel at the CFT (




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