Teaching with Technology: Profile of Eric Mentges
Jun. 18, 2013—by Zoe LeBlanc, CFT’s HASCTAC Scholar 2013 Eric Mentges (B.A., The Ohio State University) is a second-year student in the Masters of Arts program in the Classics Department at Vanderbilt. In the program, all second-year students are required to teach both semesters, and Eric has used the opportunity to explore teaching Latin with PowerPoint. So...
Teaching with Technology: Profile of Paul Morrow
Jun. 17, 2013—by Zoe LeBlanc, CFT’s HASCTAC Scholar 2013 Paul Morrow is a PhD candidate in the Department of Philosophy at Vanderbilt University. He is writing a dissertation on the application of the concepts of conventions and social norms to theories of mass atrocity and transitional justice. Paul is currently teaching the McGill Seminar in Philosophy, a...