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Two Teaching Workshops Designed to Help You Prepare for Fall Courses!

Jul. 11, 2011—Just-in-Time Course Design: A Syllabus Clinic Thursday, August 18th, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Facilitator: Joe Bandy, CFT Assistant Director Audience: New & Returning Faculty This workshop includes lunch. With classes starting soon, now is a good time to finalize the learning goals you have for your students, align the learning activities in which your students will...

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Teaching and Learning from a Student’s View

Jul. 8, 2011—This year at the CFT, we’re exploring the topic of negotiating student expectations about teaching and learning.  We’ve found that when students and faculty have very different expectations, a variety of challenges can result, frequently leading to frustration for both teachers and students. As part of our exploration this past spring, we recruited four undergraduate...

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Join the Teaching Certificate Program

Jul. 6, 2011—The CFT Teaching Certificate Program is a self-guided program designed so that Vanderbilt graduate students, professional students, and post-doctoral fellows have an opportunity to develop and refine their teaching skills through three cycles of teaching activities, each consisting of inquiry, experimentation, and reflection phases. In the first cycle – which is accepting applications now – participants focus on...

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Episode 28 – Teaching Outside the Classroom: Part Two

Jul. 5, 2011—On April 5, 2011, the Center for Teaching hosted a “Conversation on Teaching” on the topic of “Teaching Outside the Classroom.”  This is the second installment of a two-part podcast. In this episode, we join the discussion as David Furbish from Earth and Environmental Sciences as he reflects on his experiences teaching courses that involve...

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Summer Reading: Research-Based Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity (Essays on Teaching Excellence)

Jul. 4, 2011—Research-Based Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity Michele DiPietro, Kennesaw State University The POD Network Teaching Excellence Essay Series, 2009-10 From the essay: “A cursory glance at the literature on cheating paints a bleak picture. In the past decades, the prevalence of cheating has hovered at discouragingly high level, with about 75% of students admitting to some...

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Summer Reading: Engaging Students, Assessing Learning (Essays on Teaching Excellence)

Jun. 27, 2011—Engaging Students, Assessing Learning—Just a Click Away Linda C. Hodges, Loyola University Maryland The POD Network Teaching Excellence Essay Series, 2009-10 “Three ongoing challenges for those of us teaching today’s college students, especially in large lecture classes, are: getting students engaged in their learning, assessing what learning is actually taking place, and competing with students’...

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Summer Reading: Facilitating Group Discussions (Essays on Teaching Excellence)

Jun. 20, 2011—Facilitating Group Discussions: Understanding Group Development and Dynamics Kathy Takayama, Brown University The POD Network Teaching Excellence Essay Series, 2009-10 From the essay: Facilitating discussions requires the ability to engage different perspectives and skills in response to the needs of the group. How well a group works together depends upon the dynamics among participants and the...

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Teaching At Vanderbilt: An Orientation for New Faculty (August 15)

Jun. 17, 2011—At Vanderbilt, we believe research and teaching can be — indeed must be — united.  Just as you ask innovative and challenging questions in your research, your efforts in the classroom or the laboratory challenge your students to experience your discipline and the world in new and different ways.  The CFT invites all new faculty...

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From the Stacks…The Effective, Efficient Professor: Teaching, Scholarship and Service

Jun. 15, 2011—The Effective, Efficient Professor: Teaching, Scholarship and Service By Philip C. Wankat From the publisher… Most faculty are discipline experts but have not studied methods to improve their teaching, scholarship or service. This book applies efficiency and time management methods to academe. Throughout the book, the author shows how student learning and academic productivity can...

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Make the Most of Your Course Preparation Time This Summer

Jun. 13, 2011—Summer time is here, and many faculty members have a break from their usual schedules, a chance to slow down a bit and start planning their fall courses.  If you’ve got a breather, you may find this an opportune time to review and refresh your teaching plans and practices.  The Center for Teaching is open...

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