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Student/Postdoc Workshop: Crafting an Effective Teaching Statement

Oct. 31, 2018—In this workshop, we will address best practices for writing a teaching statement/philosophy for the academic job market. This workshop is open to Vanderbilt graduate students & Postdocs from across the disciplines who want to improve their teaching portfolio materials. All teaching experience levels are welcome.     Date: Friday, November 2 Time: 11:00-12:30 pm...

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Ed Tech Podcast Features Gabriele Dillmann

Oct. 29, 2018—In this episode, we feature an interview Stacey Johnson conducted for her podcast, We Teach Languages, with Gabriele Dillmann, associate professor of German at Denison University, a small liberal arts college in Ohio. Gabriele is the director of the Great Lakes Colleges Association’s Shared Languages Program. The program features language courses taught at one school in the consortium that...

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Junior Faculty Spotlight: Brenda McKenzie

Oct. 25, 2018—Each month, the CFT Newsletter highlights the work of our Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows. This month, Brenda McKenzie, Leadership, Policy and Organizations, talks about her teaching philosophy and interests As a faculty member in the Higher Education Administration (HEA) program, I teach the core courses in the student affairs track, focusing on theories of student development and the practice...

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Strategies that Stick: Memorable Moments that Enhance Student Motivation

Oct. 22, 2018—Meet the newest assistant director at the CFT, Dr. Heather Fedesco! Prior to Vanderbilt, Heather served as the Mellon Pedagogy Researcher at Colorado College where she spent two years conducting research on student motivation.   Please join us as Heather shares some of her research exploring the teaching strategies that students find memorable and motivating...

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Upcoming Science Teaching Lunch on October 26th for all A&S Science Departments

Oct. 19, 2018—The Science Teaching Lunch series invites faculty from A&S science departments to discuss common teaching challenges and to seek ideas and solutions from colleagues and the literature on science teaching and learning. This fall, the series will focus on questions relevant to graduate student education. The October teaching lunch will focus on enriching mezzanine classes for graduate students....

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$500 Digital Humanities Opportunity for Grad Students: Apply by Oct. 28th!

Oct. 17, 2018—The Vanderbilt HASTAC network is now accepting applications for the 2018-19 HASTAC Scholars Program. Graduate students interested in learning more about digital humanities and gaining hands-on experience are encouraged to apply. HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory) is a global network of individuals and institutions brought together by their shared interest in the...

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Teaching Design Thinking Learning Community October Conversation: Education as a Design Process

Oct. 16, 2018—Students in Vanderbilt’s Learning and Design M.Ed. program combine theories and principles from the learning sciences with processes and practices from user-centered design. Join us for a conversation on education as a design process with Kristen Neal, lecturer in teaching and learning and director of the Learning and Design program, and Melissa Gresalfi, associate professor of mathematics education...

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Leading Lines Ed Tech Podcast with Ingeborg Walther

Oct. 11, 2018—This fall, two members of the Leading Lines team, working completely independently, brought interviews with university educators about shared language programs. In each case, a group of colleges and universities got together to offer online language courses. These are courses that wouldn’t have enough enrollment to run at a single institution, but across three or...

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Teaching Digital Literacies Learning Community October Conversation to Focus on Multimodal Assignments

Oct. 9, 2018—How can we design authentic, multimodal assignments that prepare students to communicate effectively through a variety of media? How can we prepare students to use digital tools not only as consumers of information, but also as producers of knowledge? Join us for a conversation on engaging students as producers of knowledge through multimodal assignments. Our...

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Brightspace Help is Available in October!

Oct. 5, 2018—Come the the CFT and get individual help duringBrightspace drop-in hours or by appointment in a one-on-one consult with one of our instructional technologists. You can also email us at or check out this collection of step-by-step guides for help getting started. October Drop-in Hours Mondays  2:30pm – 4:30pm Tuesdays  9:00am – 11:00am Wednesdays  1:00pm – 3:00pm  

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