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Reflections from the Teaching Difference, and Power Symposium: Class Matters

May. 8, 2017—On April 25th, the CFT hosted a Teaching, Difference, and Power symposium focused on the ways teaching and learning can be shaped or challenged by social class.  This was as an event to celebrate and extend discussions that took place over the Fall and Spring of a CFT learning community on social class. About thirty...

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Creating Art in an Inclusive Classroom Environment

Apr. 27, 2017—by Marianna Sharp, CFT Communications Intern There’s a new piece of art hanging in the Center for Teaching: a quilt made by Nila Huddleston, a Next Steps student who took Alex Sargent’s costume design course last semester. While the quilting portion was a collaborative effort among the whole class, Nila did all of the design...

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BOLD Fellow’s Work Highlighted on American Society for Microbiology Education Blog

Apr. 24, 2017—by Rachel Biel, CFT Undergraduate Intern In this edition of the CFT blog, we want to highlight the work of a past Blended & Online Learning Design (BOLD) Fellow, Noah Green. Noah was a BOLD Fellow during the 2014-2015 academic year, and finished his doctoral studies in biological sciences in May of 2015. He currently...

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Flipping the Traditional Mentoring Model

Apr. 24, 2017—by Rachel Biel, CFT Undergraduate Intern This past summer I had the opportunity to intern for Spectrum Health—a healthcare system in my hometown, Grand Rapids, MI. For the summer I was assigned to work with Senior Project Manager Rebecca Content, whose project was joint venture with another local hospital to provide primary care and specialty...

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Summer Intensive Grad and Postdoc Programs at the CFT

Apr. 20, 2017—The Center for Teaching is happy to announce that we are offering two Summer Intensive programs this May for Vanderbilt graduate students and postdocs.  The first Summer Intensive program is for the Certificate in Humanities Teaching & Learning (CHTL) and is open to humanities graduate students and postdocs.  Similar to our academic year-long version of the CHTL,...

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Listen to the Leading Lines Podcast with William Pannapacker

Apr. 17, 2017—In the latest episode of the Leading Lines podcast Stacey M. Johnson interviews William Pannapacker, DuMez Professor of English and Senior Director of the Mellon Grand Challenges Presidential Initiative at Hope College in Michigan. Pannapacker is a Walt Whitman scholar, and a proponent and supporter of the digital liberal arts. In the interview, he talks about...

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Brightspace Launched as Vanderbilt’s New Course Management System

Apr. 17, 2017—The Center for Teaching is excited to announce that Brightspace is now available for instructors planning their summer and fall courses.  Brightspace will replace Blackboard as Vanderbilt’s course management system starting this summer.  The new platform has a modern, responsive design and a number of features that faculty and students will find useful, including drag-and-drop...

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Upcoming Deadlines for VIDL Faculty Grants.

Apr. 14, 2017—The Vanderbilt Institute for Digital Learning (VIDL) offers support for faculty for research and instructional improvement, and support for students in the form of fellowships and internships. Support takes the form of limited monetary support, technical consulting, equipment loans and production services. Faculty Programs MacroGrants (Deadline April 28) VU faculty and staff may apply for a seed-funding...

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Apply to be a Junior Faculty Teaching Fellow!

Apr. 14, 2017—We are now accepting applications for the 2017-18 Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows program. The  program is designed to help you: Learn from the teaching experiences of colleagues Develop skills that will enable you to analyze and improve your teaching over time Build a teaching community at Vanderbilt Learn to balance and integrate your teaching and...

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Course Design Grad Student & Postdoc Workshop

Apr. 10, 2017—Many graduate students do not get the opportunity to design their own syllabi or design and organize their courses. This workshop has been developed to assist graduate students in being more aware and intentional about how to design a course and syllabus overall. The workshop will include feedback from faculty in various departments about their thought...

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