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Thank you for visiting the Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education (AdvancED- formerly known as the Center for Teaching).

We are currently redeveloping our site. For current events and workshops, please visit our new site.


When Words Won’t Suffice

Oct. 29, 2014—By Ben Galina, Graduate Teaching Fellow  Monday, November 3rd at 7:15pm, our learning community will meet at the Center for Teaching to discuss microagressions. For more information, stop by the CFT, check out our website, or email me or my co-facilitator, Brielle Harbin, for more information.  

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Trickle Up

Oct. 27, 2014—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director. Cross-posted from Derek’s blog, Agile Learning. I’ve been busy this month with a variety of activities worth blogging about: the CIRTL Network MOOC on STEM teaching, the De Lange Conference on the future of higher education at Rice University, and this weekend’s THATCamp unconference at Vanderbilt. Perhaps I will blog...

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THATCamp Vanderbilt:

Oct. 22, 2014—The third annual THATCamp Vanderbilt will occur this Friday and Saturday, October 24 and 25, at the Vanderbilt Curb Center, located at 1801 Edgehill Avenue, Nashville, TN 37212. The event is free and open to the public. Visit the THATCamp Vanderbilt website to see the latest schedule developments and to register: THATCamp, which stands for...

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BOLD Fellows Program is Accepting Applications

Oct. 13, 2014—We are recruiting graduate students to participate in the BOLD Fellows program beginning in January 2015. The BOLD Fellows program is designed to help graduate student/faculty teams build expertise in developing online instructional modules grounded in good course design principles and our understanding of how people learn. STEM faculty members partner with graduate students or postdocs to design and...

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An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching – Starts Today!

Oct. 6, 2014—“An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching” is a free online course that begins today. The course is a production of the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL), a network of 22 research universities, including Vanderbilt, collaborating in the preparation of STEM graduate students and post-docs as future faculty members. Vanderbilt...

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Upcoming Faculty Teaching Visit with Keivan Stassun, Professor Physics and Astronomy Tuesday, October 7th

Sep. 29, 2014—ASTR 205: Principles of Astrophysics Keivan Stassun is a professor of astronomy and the co-director of the Fisk-Vanderbilt MA-to-PhD Bridge program. In ASTR 205, Keivan Stassun guides upper level undergraduates toward a greater understanding of the origin and evolution of matter as well as the tools and methods of astrophysics. Keivan describes his approach in...

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A New Guide to Course Management Tools

Sep. 29, 2014—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director As Vanderbilt faculty, staff, and students have learned this fall, Vanderbilt’s course management system, OAK (powered by Blackboard), is currently experiencing significant delays. While the OAK team at VUIT continues working to fix these problems, instructors who find OAK’s slow performance to be disruptive to their teaching might want to...

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