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2011 Advisory Board

Jan. 21, 2011—As we begin a new year, we’re happy to welcome some new members to the Center’s Advisory Board, who will join returning members at the Board’s semi-annual meeting later this month. Below are the names, titles, and the areas of representation for all members of the Board, with asterisks indicating our most recent additions: Roberta...

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Junior Faculty Teaching Fellow Spotlight: Kimberly Bess

Jan. 19, 2011—Each month, the CFT Newsletter highlights the work of our Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows. In January 2011, Kimberly D. Bess, Assistant Professor of Human and Organizational Development talks about her teaching philosophy and interests: As a teacher I see myself as a co-participant in a learning journey with my students.  For me teaching is a challenging,...

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Upcoming: Negotiating Student Expectations about Grades and Goals (1/26)

Jan. 19, 2011—Time & Date: 4:10-5:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 26 Format: Conversation on Teaching Facilitators: Derek Bruff, Assistant Director, CFT Audience: Faculty, Students (Undergrad and Graduate), and Staff Should grades measure effort or performance? Should they measure improvement over time or final results? Should a student be graded against fixed criteria or relative to other students? Should...

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Registration Open for Spring Events

Jan. 18, 2011—The CFT kicks off the Spring 2011 term with an exciting Spring Event lineup that includes Teaching Workshops and Conversations on Teaching on a variety of interesting topics. These include events on Interactive Lecturing, Plagiarism, Service Learning, and Teaching Outside the Classroom. In addition to these topics, two events facilitated by the CFT will be...

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CIRTL Coffee Hour, January 20 – What to Know about Tenure and Promotion BEFORE Applying for a Job

Jan. 17, 2011—The 2010-2011 CIRTL Coffee Hour Series provides an opportunity for STEM (science, technology, engineering, & math) graduate students and post docs to get together online and talk about careers and the academic job search. The series is facilitated by a mix of young faculty who have recently secured positions and more seasoned tenured faculty. The...

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Teaching about Audience Using Projects for Outside Clients – A Conference Report

Jan. 17, 2011—by Derek Bruff, CFT Assistant Director Back in November I attended the 30th annual Lilly Conference on College Teaching at Miami University in Ohio. I thought I’d share some session highlights with my Vanderbilt colleagues. Here’s the first in a series of posts about the conference. Developing a Signature Pedagogy to Cross the Audience Threshold...

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Video – Crafting a Professional Digital Identity

Jan. 14, 2011—Back in October, the CFT co-sponsored with University Web Communications a session titled “Crafting a Professional Digital Identity: Faculty and Social Media.” The session featured a discussion of ways faculty members can avoid the pitfalls of engaging in social media (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and so on) while using those tools to enhance their professional work....

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Service Learning for Sustainability Event Recap

Jan. 12, 2011—On November 12th, the Center for Teaching and the Tennessee Higher Education Sustainability Association (THESA) were proud to co-host a one day workshop integrating service learning and sustainability education entitled, “Service Learning for Sustainability.”  Both service learning and sustainability are areas of innovation in higher education that share a commitment to place, to community engagement,...

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Joe Bandy in Vanderbilt View Article

Jan. 11, 2011—In the January 2011 edition of the Vanderbilt View, CFT Assistant Director Joe Bandy was mentioned in an article describing the work of Vanderbilt’s Center for Nashville Studies (VCNS). VCNS seeks to connect community organizations in need of research and recommendations on policy-level issues with Vanderbilt’s expertise in a variety of fields, and Bandy has...

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Video – Some Thoughts on Teaching with Clickers

Jan. 10, 2011—by Derek Bruff, CFT Assistant Director A few months ago, I was contacted by Rachel Wheeler, an MEd candidate in secondary education here at Vanderbilt. As part of a new media practicum she was taking, she and her partner were putting together a multimedia website called Inside Voice that would highlight Vanderbilt authors. She asked...

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