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Reflecting On and Documenting Your Teaching Effectiveness

Jul. 23, 2010—With the academic year drawn to a close, now is a good time to reflect on teaching experiences while they’re still fresh.   At a recent CFT workshop, 23 faculty gathered to do just that, exploring how to write about teaching, why it’s important to do so, audiences and purposes for such reflections, and concrete strategies...

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A Video Introduction to Team-Based Learning

Jun. 7, 2010—The Division of Instructional Innovation and Assessment at the University of Texas-Austin has recently produced a very information 12-minute video on Team-Based Learning (TBL).  A core component of TBL is that class time is spent having students work through problems or case studies in permanent teams, usually consisting of six students each.  Students respond to...

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CIRTLCast June 9 – Engaging Students in Learning Through Diversity (LtD) Using Environmental Case Studies

Jun. 2, 2010—From our colleagues at the CIRTL Network, an interactive webinar of interest to graduate students and faculty in the sciences and engineering: Engaging Students in Learning Through Diversity (LtD) Using Environmental Case Studies June, 9, Bruce Herbert, Professor of Geology & Geophysics, Texas A&M University, 1-2pm CT Solutions to environmental issues are usually based upon...

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Teaching Assistant Orientation 2010 Registration Now Open

May. 31, 2010—The Center for Teaching will host its annual Teaching Assistant Orientation on August 18 and 19, 2010 in Buttrick Hall. Teaching Assistant Orientation (TAO) prepares graduate students to assume their teaching duties with confidence by engaging them in interactive sessions about teaching methods and resources.  By attending TAO, you will… Discover effective teaching techniques relevant...

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Fall Graduate Course: Preparation for Teaching (for Students in the Sciences, Engineering, & Math)

May. 27, 2010—Stacy Klein-Gardner (Teaching & Learning, Biomedical Engineering) is offering a one-credit graduate course on college teaching this fall. BME 395. Preparation for Teaching. Basics of curriculum design, assessment, accreditation. Diversity in the classroom and classroom management. Technology for teaching, assessment, and communication. Basics of K-12 outreach. Open to graduate students in all STEM disciplines wishing...

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VU Engineering Students Create Mobile Apps for Fun, Profit, and Credit

May. 21, 2010—This spring, the Vanderbilt School of Engineering’s magazine ran a story profiling Ben Gotow, a senior computer science major (now graduated, presumably) who has designed some very successful iPhone apps, including the drawing apps NetSketch and Layers.  Gotow designed those apps on his own, but he was also a student in an Engineering course that...

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Episode 22 – Teaching First-Year Students (Part 2)

May. 19, 2010—In this episode, we feature a panel discussion with Susan Kevra, Senior Lecturer, French; Adam List, Senior Lecturer, Chemistry; and Doug Christiansen, Vice Provost for Enrollment and Dean of Admissions. “Will this be on the test?” is, perhaps, a common question from first-year students, but why is it so common? Students who assume their job...

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Celebration of Teaching Slideshow

May. 19, 2010—As part of the CFT’s Celebration of Teaching two weeks ago, we put together a slideshow highlighting aspects of the year in teaching and the work of the CFT and our collaborators.  The slideshow is now available online via Slideshare.  Enjoy! Vanderbilt Center for Teaching – Celebration of Teaching 2010 View more presentations from Derek...

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Engaging Students with Images Using VisualsSpeak

May. 17, 2010—[This is a guest post by Kate O’Doherty, graduate student in psychology & human development and 2010-2011 CFT Teaching Affiliate.  We welcome contributions to the CFT blog by others in the Vanderbilt teaching community!] I consider myself pretty familiar with the typical classroom tools.  PowerPoint?  I’ve got it down-even those custom animations.  Video? Sure, I...

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Teaching the Large College Class: A Guidebook for Instructors with Multitudes

May. 14, 2010—Teaching the Large College Class: A Guidebook for Instructors with Multitudes, by Frank Heppner, Jossey-Bass, 2007. From the publisher: Teaching large classes is a fact of life for professors at many institutions. In addition to pedagogy, instructors of these courses must also be concerned with legal, ethical, financial, technological, personnel, and management issues. Virtually all...

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