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Teaching Outside the Classroom – Part One

Apr. 29, 2011—by John Morrell Graduate Teaching Fellow, CFT On April 5, 2011, the Center for Teaching hosted a “Conversation on Teaching” on the topic of “Teaching Outside the Classroom.”  This is the first installment of a two-part blog post covering the observations made by two panelists – Steve Baskauf from Biology and David Furbish from Earth...

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May Lunchtime Workshops Announced – Register Now!

Apr. 28, 2011—Join the Center for Teaching for lunch on May 9 and 10! The CFT is pleased to announce a series of hands-on lunchtime workshops available to the Vanderbilt teaching community in May.  These workshops are intended to help participants make use of some of the ideas and tools discussed in CFT workshops and consultations this...

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SoTL Symposium: Derek Bruff answers ‘What is SoTL?’

Apr. 27, 2011—At the recent SoTL Symposium, CFT Assistant Director, Derek Bruff, shared his remarks in response to the common question: ‘What is SoTL?’ with the attendees who gathered to listen to, ask questions of, and provide feedback to the group of presenters at the event. Derek’s remarks are included here: What Is SoTL? The scholarship of...

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SoTL Symposium Connects Research with Teaching

Apr. 25, 2011—Last week the CFT held a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Symposium that offered a unique, interactive format aimed to give attendees practical knowledge and methods for developing, analyzing, applying, and sharing scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) work. Brought together to connect, exchange ideas and strengthen the research community in teaching and learning at...

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CIRTL Coffee Hour April 21 – Making the Transition from Grad Student to Faculty

Apr. 18, 2011—The 2010-2011 CIRTL Coffee Hour Series provides an opportunity for STEM (science, technology, engineering, & math) graduate students and post docs to get together online and talk about careers and the academic job search. The series is facilitated by a mix of young faculty who have recently secured positions and more seasoned tenured faculty. The...

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Celebration of Teaching :: May 3, 2011

Apr. 13, 2011—The Center for Teaching (CFT) in conjunction with the Graduate School will be honoring the achievements of the Vanderbilt teaching community at the annual Celebration of Teaching on May 3, 2011 at 4:00pm at the Center for Teaching. The celebration includes remarks by: Richard McCarty, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dennis Hall, Vice Provost for Research and...

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Leading Classroom Discussion on Difficult Topics

Apr. 11, 2011—CFT Graduate Teaching Fellow, Leanna Fuller, reflects on the recent Teaching Workshop: Difficult Dialogues in this follow-up post to that event. On March 23rd, 18 participants from 11 Vanderbilt departments gathered at the Center for Teaching to discuss the challenge of leading classroom discussions on difficult topics.  We began by talking in small groups about...

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Upcoming: Karl Smith on Engineering Education Research (April 12)

Apr. 6, 2011—by CFT Assistant Director Derek Bruff The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) is sponsoring a talk next week by Karl Smith, Professor of Cooperative Learning in Engineering Education at Purdue University and Morse–Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor and Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Minnesota. Professor Smith’s talk, titled...

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Imagining America PAGE Conference April 28-29, 2011

Mar. 31, 2011—Update: This event has been postponed. Check with the Warren Center for updates. Imagining America will hold a two day symposium on publicly active graduate education at Vanderbilt University on April 28th and 29th, 2011.  The first day of the workshop – Thursday, April 28th from 2 to 5pm – will be focused exclusively on...

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Upcoming: Teaching Outside the Classroom (April 5)

Mar. 29, 2011—Time & Date: 4:00 – 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 5 Location: CFT Workshop, Center for Teaching Facilitators: Leanna Fuller, Graduate Teaching Fellow, CFT; John Morrell, Graduate Teaching Fellow, CFT; & Joe Bandy, Assistant Director, CFT Audience: Faculty, Graduate and Professional Students, Post-docs Panelists: Steve Baskauf, Senior Lecturer in Biological Sciences Chalene Helmuth, Senior Lecturer of...

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