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Thank you for visiting the Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education (AdvancED- formerly known as the Center for Teaching).

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CFT Now Accepting Applications for the Certificate in College Teaching

May. 7, 2014—The Center for Teaching offers a variety of programs to meet the needs of instructors at every stage of their teaching career. From graduate students entering the teaching ranks to senior faculty fine-tuning their craft, all instructors will find participation in Center programs an avenue for exploration and discovery in a collegial setting. Certificate in...

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The Mindful PhD: In Case of Emergency

May. 1, 2014—by Nancy Chick, CFT Assistant Director Before flying, we’re told to locate our nearest emergency exits.  If we’re sitting in the emergency row, we must verbally agree to the responsibility of working the  doors and helping our fellow passengers if necessary. Similarly, now that storm season has arrived in the South,* we’ve all prepared our “safe...

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The Mindful PhD: On Another Planet

Apr. 25, 2014—by Nancy Chick, CFT Assistant Director Last year, Forbes declared university professor the Least Stressful Job of the Year (Adams).  The response was so strong that the writer issued a corrective Addendum, and the magazine published a variety of rebuttals explaining the stresses of this seemingly cushy job (c.f., Kroll, Willingham). In the wake of this...

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Biological Sciences Lab Poster Session Next Week

Apr. 24, 2014—The research-based section of the Intro to Biological Sciences lab (BSCI 111c) is having its poster session next week. The students in the class would appreciate you stopping by to see their work and to ask them questions about what they’ve done over the course of the semester. Please plan on stopping by! Wednesday, April...

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Celebration of Learning, 3pm Today in Alumni Hall #VandyCoL

Apr. 21, 2014—Today’s the day! The Celebration of Learning, 3-6pm in Alumni Hall, is the final event in the Center for Teaching’s “Students as Producers” theme year. The event will feature students and the products of their learning experiences in courses at Vanderbilt this year.  Imagine an exhibition of posters, presentations, and performances by students from all...

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The Mindful PhD: It’s About Our Students

Apr. 18, 2014—by Nancy Chick, CFT Assistant Director Today is my last day of class, and I feel a little antsy, even a little edgy.  I already have a stack of materials to grade, and I’ll be getting another stack today, and then another during our final exam period.  I have deadlines related to other work activities.  And...

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Medicine and Magic: Students as Producers in the Humanities

Apr. 16, 2014—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director The post below is about a fantastic “Students as Producers” course taught by Vanderbilt’s Holly Tucker. For more ideas on engaging students as producers of knowledge, come to the CFT’s Celebration of Learning next Monday. The event will feature a highly engaging keynote by Georgetown University’s Randy Bass, as well...

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