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The Mindful PhD: After the Honeymoon

Jan. 29, 2014—by Nancy Chick, CFT Assistant Director My class is still in the “honeymoon phase,” those carefree weeks in the beginning of the semester when students and instructor alike enjoy each other’s company and insights, before any major papers or exams complicate the dynamic. Smaller, low-stakes assessments have given me a chance to provide early feedback and...

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Review Sessions: A Little Goes a Long Way

Jan. 28, 2014—By Graduate Teaching Fellow, Nayana Bose  Teaching assistants (TAs) are often assigned review sessions (RSs) as part of their duties. These review sessions pose some unique challenges, and in this blog post I will focus on two that I think are common across most disciplines. RSs are usually scheduled right before an exam when there...

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Last Week’s ‘T.W.L.’ Conversation on Teaching Writing: Low-Stakes, Written Reading Guides

Jan. 27, 2014—Amanda Benson (Biological Sciences) talked about “Writing as Discovery: Using Low-Stakes Writing to Help Students Learn” on January 21. This lunchtime gathering was the fifth gathering in the “Teaching. Writing. Learning.” series of conversations on teaching writing. To start the conversation, Amanda acknowledged that writing can be intimidating to scientists–faculty and students alike. Her pedagogical...

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Students as Producers + Educational Technology

Jan. 25, 2014—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director I’m presenting this morning during the first set of concurrent sessions at the CFT’s GradSTEP event for graduate students and post-docs. The session is titled “Using Technology to Support Students as Producers of Knoweldge,” and it combines two of my favorite topics: students as producers plus educational technology. Certainly, technology...

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BOLD Fellow Lauren Palladino Develops a Series of Online Astronomy Modules

Jan. 24, 2014—The BOLD Fellows program is designed to bring together graduate students and faculty members interested in blended and online learning. Graduate students develop online learning modules for implementation in a faculty mentor’s course and then gather data on the effects of the modules on student learning. BOLD Fellow Lauren Palladino worked with faculty mentor Dr....

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GradSTEP 2014: Students as Producers Sneak Peek at Session 3

Jan. 22, 2014—GradSTEP 2014 will focus on Students as Producers: Developing dynamic learning in a virtual and real-world setting and will be held: Saturday, January 25th, 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. in Light Hall.   Why Wiki Jessica Riviere, CFT Graduate Teaching Fellow In this workshop we will explore the basics of using Wiki technology for students...

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The Mindful PhD: Doodling & Knitting

Jan. 22, 2014—by Nancy Chick, CFT Assistant Director Last week, I had a great conversation about class participation with SoTL Scholar Hasina Mohyuddin and my Graduate-Teaching-Fellow partner in teaching the SoTL Scholars Program Andrew Greer (both PhD candidates in the Department of Human & Organizational Development).  I also serendipitously asked my students to work together to create...

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