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Deadline approaching to register for Teaching in the US Classroom

Sep. 4, 2012—The International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) office and the Center for Teaching are sponsoring an 8-week seminar entitled “Teaching in the U.S. Classroom.”  This seminar is designed specifically for international Teaching Assistants (ITAs) and will be most helpful to those who are new to teaching in the United States. The course will focus on...

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Junior Faculty: Visit Tim Hanusa’s chemistry class at next week’s teaching visit

Sep. 3, 2012—A Teaching Visit involves a small group of faculty who observe a colleague’s class (on a selected day), followed by an hour of conversation about what was observed, particularly shared teaching challenges. The Center for Teaching has hosted Teaching Visits for many years and they have been among the most productive and helpful events we...

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Wikis in University Teaching

Aug. 31, 2012—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director I’m leading a brownbag conversation in the Department of Teaching and Learning today on the topic of wikis in university teaching. Below you’ll find the Prezi I’m using for my presentation. You can click the forward button to move through the Prezi, or use your mouse to pan and zoom...

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Episode 35 – Student Learning on Display: Electrocardiogram Chair

Aug. 29, 2012—In an effort to better understand student learning, particularly deep learning, as it occurs at Vanderbilt, the CFT is producing a special series of podcasts highlighting student projects across a variety of disciplines. In this episode, CFT director, Derek Bruff, attends a poster session where he talks with Hannah Pauly and Corey Peak, two members...

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Meet CFT Graduate Teaching Fellow Beth Koontz

Aug. 29, 2012—Over the next few weeks, we will introduce the CFT’s 2012-13 Graduate Teaching Fellows* individually to highlight their areas of expertise, interests, and specific CFT activities. Beth Koontz is a Ph.D. student in Anthropology, focusing on Andean bioarchaeology and the role of violence in state formation and collapse. Although TAs in Anthropology primarily hold office hours...

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Leveraging Student Interests through Social Bookmarking

Aug. 29, 2012—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director I have a new guest post over on the CIRTL Network website describing my use of social bookmarking tools like Delicious and Diigo in my math courses. The post is titled “Leveraging Student Interests through Social Bookmarking.” Here’s an excerpt: As with the cryptography course, social bookmarking contributed to the...

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Opportunities for Graduate Students in Digital Humanities

Aug. 27, 2012—The HASTAC Scholar program is a great opportunity for graduate students in the humanities with interests in the use of digital technologies in teaching and scholarship. The CFT will sponsor one of the four 2012-13 HASTAC Scholars, with our Scholar undertaking a survey of technology use by Vanderbilt graduate students in their teaching here on...

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