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Fostering Deep Learning – A Report from the CFT’s 25th Anniversary

Sep. 12, 2011—by Derek Bruff, CFT Acting Director Last week the CFT celebrated its 25th anniversary with two big campus events: a keynote talk by Ken Bain, founding director of the CFT and author of What the Best College Teachers Do, and a half-day symposium on the future of teaching at Vanderbilt. In this post, I’ll share...

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PhD Career Connections September Seminar

Sep. 11, 2011—Vanderbilt PhD Career Connections is a monthly seminar series about career options for PhD scientists. Speakers from a diverse range of exciting scientific careers present their career path and share insights from their professional experiences. The series is run by VUMC PhD students and postdoctoral fellows and sponsored by the BRET Office of Career Development. Advance...

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Bruff Quoted in Chronicle article: Cheating is Only a Click Away

Sep. 9, 2011—A recent article in the the Chronicle of Higher Education included quotes from the CFT’s Acting Director Derek Bruff. The article, With Cheating Only a Click Away, Professors Reduce the Incentive, explores how common clickers – and the cheating associated with them – have become in university classrooms. Cheating with clickers, the article discusses, can occur...

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CFT 25th Anniversary: Join us this afternoon!

Sep. 8, 2011—Join us this afternoon as we kick off celebrations of the Center for Teaching’s 25th anniversary with a keynote talk by Ken Bain, founding director of the Center and author of What the Best College Teachers Do, with opening remarks by Chancellor Zeppos. Bain’s keynote How to Foster Deep Learning will address how we create learning environments that will...

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CFT 25th Anniversary Event: How to Foster Deep Learning Keynote

Sep. 6, 2011—Join us later this week to celebrate 25 years of the Vanderbilt Center for Teaching’s commitment to excellence in teaching and learning.  Anniversary events begin at 4:00 pm on Thursday, September 8th, featuring welcoming remarks from Vanderbilt Chancellor Nicholas Zeppos and a keynote presentation by Ken Bain, followed by a reception. This event will take...

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Symposium Spotlight: Economic Challenges

Sep. 2, 2011—“With student loan debt ballooning and the job market sometimes favoring technical skills such as Web development, it can be difficult for some people to imagine spending four years on a campus reading Shakespeare or studying organic chemistry.” (“Four-Year Degree Losing Luster,” by Michael Cass, The Tennessean, August 28, 2011) “Arum and Roksa [authors of...

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Symposium Spotlight: Social Responsibilities

Sep. 1, 2011—The history of higher education in the United States has been shaped by the twin aspirations of expanding human knowledge and preparing new generations for responsible social leadership.  These defining goals have been written into the mission statements and cultural traditions of most every U.S. college or university and are among the central organizing principles...

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Symposium Spotlight: Changing Technologies

Aug. 31, 2011—Many students carry around phones with far greater capabilities than the computers that helped humans land on the Moon.  Social media such as Facebook and Twitter have changed the ways that many of us interact personally and professionally, both online and off.  Access to information online has increased significantly in recent years, although locating useful...

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25th Anniversary Symposium on the Future of Teaching, September 9th

Aug. 30, 2011—Join us for the Center for Teaching’s 25th Anniversary Symposium on Friday, September 9th, on the 2nd floor of the Commons Center. Faculty, students, and staff are invited to discuss a set of themes that the CFT has identified as likely to affect teaching and learning at Vanderbilt over the next several years: economic challenges,...

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CFT’s 25th Anniversary Events… Will you be there?

Aug. 29, 2011—Join us in the celebrations of the Center for Teaching’s 25th anniversary in just a couple of weeks – September 8 and 9. To kick the celebration off, we’re hosting a keynote talk by Ken Bain, founding director of the Center and author of What the Best College Teachers Do, on September 8th, with opening...

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