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BOLD Fellows Program is Accepting Applications

Apr. 8, 2015—  We are recruiting graduate students to participate in the BOLD Fellows program beginning in August 2015. The BOLD Fellows program is designed to help graduate student/faculty teams build expertise in developing online instructional modules grounded in good course design principles and our understanding of how people learn. STEM faculty members partner with graduate students or postdocs to design...

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Thinking STEM, Teaching STEM: A Blog Series

Apr. 2, 2015—By Vivian Finch, CFT Graduate Teaching Fellow The CFT is in the tenth week of “Thinking STEM, Teaching STEM,” a blog series that spotlights some of the videos produced at Vanderbilt for the CIRTL MOOC course, “An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching.” This course drew on the expertise of experienced STEM faculty, educational researchers, and representatives...

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The Flipped Classroom, a Conversation on Digital Pedagogy, April 7th

Apr. 1, 2015—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director On March 19th, the CFT and the Vanderbilt Institute for Digital Learning (VIDL) hosted the first in a series of Conversations on Digital Pedagogy. These conversations are meant to provide members of the Vanderbilt teaching community opportunities to learn from each other as they explore creative and effective uses of...

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Vanderbilt Institute for Digital Learning Accepting Applications for Graduate Fellowships

Mar. 31, 2015—The Vanderbilt Institute for Digital Learning (VIDL) invites applications for a total of four graduate student fellowships for the 2015-2016 academic year. Stipends will be approximately $5,500 per academic year (this is intended to reflect a roughly 5-hour commitment weekly). Download, complete and email the application as an attachment named <your-last-name>-VIDL-Application.pdf . Also attach your...

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Author Jeffrey Selingo on the Future of Higher Education – April 7th, 4pm

Mar. 30, 2015—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director Author and columnist Jeffrey Selingo will present the inaugural Schmidt Family Educational Technology Lecture on Tuesday, April 7th. Selingo’s lecture, “College (Un)Bound: The Future of Higher Education,” will be in Jacobs Believed In Me Auditorium, 134 Featheringill Hall, at 4 p.m., with reception to follow. Selingo will talk about the...

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Thinking STEM, Teaching STEM: A Blog Series

Mar. 19, 2015—By Vivian Finch, CFT Graduate Teaching Fellow The CFT is in the ninth week of “Thinking STEM, Teaching STEM,” a blog series that spotlights some of the videos produced at Vanderbilt for the CIRTL MOOC course, “An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching.” This course drew on the expertise of experienced STEM faculty, educational researchers, and representatives...

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CFT Assistant Directors Publish Study on Graduate Student SoTL Programs

Mar. 19, 2015—Assistant Directors Nancy Chick and Cynthia Brame have just published their findings from a study of Vanderbilt graduate students’ research and experiences in the CFT’s programs in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). “An Investigation of the Products and Impact of Graduate Student SoTL Programs: Observations and Recommendations from a Single Institution” was published...

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Upcoming Conversations on Digital Pedagogy

Mar. 18, 2015—Interest in seeing what effective educational technology use looks like in practice is fueling a new series of conversations on teaching sponsored by the CFT and the Vanderbilt Institute for Digital Learning (VIDL). Conversations on Digital Pedagogy, will feature Vanderbilt instructors describing and reflecting on the ways they use educational technologies to enhance student learning....

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From the Stacks…

Mar. 16, 2015—Teaching What You Don’t Know By Therese Huston Faculty often have to teach courses in areas they don’t know very well. The challenges are even greater when students don’t share your cultural background, lifestyle or assumption about how to operate in a classroom. Encouraging faculty to think of themselves as learners rather than experts, the...

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Thinking STEM, Teaching STEM: A Blog Series

Mar. 12, 2015—By Vivian Finch, CFT Graduate Teaching Fellow The CFT is now in the eighth week of the weekly blog series, “Thinking STEM, Teaching STEM,” as a way to spotlight some of the videos produced at Vanderbilt for the CIRTL MOOC course, “An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching,” which drew on the expertise of experienced STEM...

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