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Make the Most of Your Course Preparation Time This Summer

Jun. 5, 2014—Summer time is here, and many faculty members have a break from their usual schedules, a chance to slow down a bit and start planning their fall courses. If you have a breather, you may find this an opportune time to review and refresh your teaching plans and practices.  The Center for Teaching is open...

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Summer Reading Recommendations from the CFT

Jun. 4, 2014—by Nancy Chick, CFT Assistant Director I think I’ve begun an annual tradition of offering summer reading recommendations. Last summer, I suggested a collection of short essays by famous writers looking back on the poems that made them fall in love with writing.  The summer before, I recommended a professor’s memoir of her days as a...

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Reflections from SoTL Scholar Vivian Finch

Jun. 3, 2014—The SoTL Scholars Program introduces participants to the principles and practices of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, an international, multidisciplinary field of disciplinary specialists studying student learning. SoTL (pronounced “sō-tul” in the U.S.) is a synthesis of teaching, learning, and research in higher education that aims to bring a scholarly lens—the curiosity, the inquiry,...

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Students as Producers: Vanderbilt Commodore Orchestra

May. 19, 2014—The CFT’s “Students as Producers” theme year culminated in our end-of-year event, the Celebration of Learning. As a part of the celebration, an exhibition of 25 student projects from all four undergraduate schools showcased a wide variety of student work. This series of blog posts highlights some of the student projects from the exhibition.  ...

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Students as Producers: “¿Dónde está él?” (“Where is he?”)

May. 16, 2014—The CFT’s “Students as Producers” theme year culminated in our end-of-year event, the Celebration of Learning. As a part of the celebration, an exhibition of 25 student projects from all four undergraduate schools showcased a wide variety of student work. This series of blog posts highlights some of the student projects from the exhibition. Student:...

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New CFT Guide on Syllabus Design

May. 15, 2014—Jessica Riviere, Senior Graduate Teaching Fellow has develeped a new online guide on the topic of syllabus design. The strongest syllabi are built on a solid foundation of course design. Therefore, you should start by developing learning goals that are appropriate for the level of the class and the students in it. These are goals...

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Students as Producers: Designing For Marie Antoinette

May. 14, 2014—The CFT’s “Students as Producers” theme year culminated in our end-of-year event, the Celebration of Learning. As a part of the celebration, an exhibition of 25 student projects from all four undergraduate schools showcased a wide variety of student work. This series of blog posts highlights some of the student projects from the exhibition. Student:...

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A Career Symposium on May 30th: Where Can You Go With a Science PhD?

May. 13, 2014—The Biomedical Research Education & Training (BRET) Office of Career Development and the Vanderbilt Medical Alumni Association are sponsoring a career symposium on May 30th for graduate students and post-docs in the sciences. From the press release: Think you know what a career in academia looks like? Think again! Our myriad of speakers have pursued...

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From the Director: Celebration of Learning in Review

May. 12, 2014—By Derek Bruff, CFT Director Two weeks ago, the Center for Teaching held a Celebration of Learning, the final event in our “Students as Producers” theme year.  Through a series of workshops, panels, teaching visits, teaching guides, and blog posts this year, we have explored ways to help students become not just consumers of information...

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CFT Now Accepting Applications for the SoTL Scholars Program

May. 12, 2014—The Center for Teaching offers a variety of programs to meet the needs of instructors at every stage of their teaching career. From graduate students entering the teaching ranks to senior faculty fine-tuning their craft, all instructors will find participation in Center programs an avenue for exploration and discovery in a collegial setting. The SoTL...

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