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Teaching Innovations at Vanderbilt: Dana Kan and Low-Stakes Retrieval Midterms

Sep. 3, 2019—By Faith Rovenolt, CFT undergraduate intern I love interviewing professors for this blog series; every time I do it, I learn something new. Speaking with Dr. Dana Kan, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, I learned that classroom acoustics constitute an important aspect of the...

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Big classes, name tents, and anxiety in the classroom

Aug. 28, 2019—by Cynthia J. Brame, CFT Associate Director Classes at my institution started last week, which means that my co-teacher and I greeted just over 150 students in our biochemistry class. When I start the semester, I’m always struck by how many students there are, and how a big class like this would not have brought...

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CFT Proudly Welcomes the 2019 Cohort of Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows!

Aug. 21, 2019—L to R: Audrey Bowden (Biomedical Engineering), Daniela D’Eugenio (French & Italian), Misty Evans (Nursing), Gautam Hans (Law), Brittany Haskell (Nursing), Allison Leich Hilbun (Biological Sciences), Clinton Leonard (Nursing), Elliott McCarter (Asian Studies), Justus Ndukaife (Electrical Engineering & Computer Science), Ipek Oguz (Electrical Engineering & Computer Science), Jennifer Ridgway (Nursing), LeTizia Smith (Nursing), Kim Steanson...

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Teaching Innovations at Vanderbilt: Chris Candelaria and Poster Sessions

Aug. 19, 2019—By Faith Rovenolt, CFT undergraduate intern For the first time in this blog series, I was able to go and see the teaching innovation I would write about. During 2019 Spring semester, I visited the end-of-semester poster sessions held for HODE 3225: Introduction to Public Finance of Education, which is taught by Chris Candelaria. Candelaria...

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Need Help Using Brightspace as you Plan for Fall Classes?

Aug. 16, 2019—As you prepare your fall courses, keep in mind all of the Brightspace resources we offer here at the Center for Teaching. July is a great time to get started! Great news! Brightspace now has an Annotations Tool for grading! Learn more about how to use the tool with this guide: Using the Annotations Tool. Please visit our on-demand...

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Take advantage of our last Top Hat virtual office hour before classes start!

Aug. 15, 2019—Interested in learning more about the new and advanced features of Top Hat? Are you using Top Hat but have some questions regarding your specific use case? Get help and answers about Top Hat during our virtual open office hour session. During these open sessions, you set the agenda! Quintin Peirce from Top Hat will...

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Get help and answers to you Top Hat questions during our virtual office hours

Aug. 14, 2019—Interested in learning more about the new and advanced features of Top Hat? Are you using Top Hat but have some questions regarding your specific use case? Get help and answers about Top Hat during one of our virtual open office hour sessions. During these open sessions, you set the agenda! Quintin Peirce from Top...

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Teaching at Vanderbilt: New Faculty Orientation August 15th

Aug. 13, 2019—  At the beginning of every academic year, the Center for Teaching hosts “Teaching at Vanderbilt,” an orientation for junior and senior faculty new to Vanderbilt. The orientation features an introduction to strategies for launching a successful teaching career at Vanderbilt, with concurrent sessions on a variety of practical topics. Teaching at Vanderbilt is an...

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Teaching Digital Literacies: Six Conversations

Aug. 12, 2019—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director How can we prepare students for a world where they both consume and produce media in a variety of digital forms? In 2018-2019, the CFT hosted a learning community for educators interested in exploring ways to teach digital literacies, that is, the skills and competences students need to thoughtfully learn,...

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From the CFT Director

Aug. 12, 2019—August is here! I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure where the summer went. It was a busy one at the Center for Teaching, as we wrapped up the academic year, started collaborating with Vice Provost Tracey George on faculty development initiatives, and prepared for our fall events and programs. Our big orientations...

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