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Upcoming Event: Getting Ready for Review

Feb. 21, 2012—Join us for this upcoming teaching workshop! Getting Ready for Review Date & Time:      February 28, 4:10-5:30 Facilitator:           Joe Bandy, Assistant Director Format:              Teaching Workshop Audience:           Faculty Only As you consider documenting your teaching for review or promotion, join us for a hands-on workshop. We will begin...

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CIRTL Coffee Hour 2/21: On the job market: Varied paths to the Professoriate

Feb. 17, 2012—The 2011-2012 CIRTL Coffee Hour Series provides an opportunity for STEM (science, technology, engineering, & math) graduate students and post docs to get together online and talk about careers and the academic job search. The series is facilitated by a mix of young faculty who have recently secured positions and more seasoned tenured faculty. This year’s...

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Upcoming Event: Grading Effectively & Efficiently

Feb. 15, 2012—Join us for this upcoming teaching workshop! Grading Effectively & Efficiently Date & Time:      February 22, 4:10-5:30 Facilitator:           Leanna Fuller, Graduate Teaching Fellow Format:                Teaching Workshop Audience:           Graduate Students and Post-Docs Grading can be a source of stress for instructors.  How do you know if you’re being fair in your assessment of...

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CFT Focuses on SoTL This Spring

Feb. 13, 2012—Join us next week for What is SoTL, the first event (of three this spring) focused on the scholarship of teaching and learning. In this first discussion, What is SoTL, CFT Assistant Director Nancy Chick along with a handful of Vanderbilt faculty and graduate students, will help you explore how you might adopt a SoTL...

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GradSTEP recap: Teaching Portfolios

Feb. 12, 2012—This blog post is written by Leanna Fuller, CFT Senior Graduate Teaching Fellow. Leanna led the Teaching Portfolio session at GradSTEP on January 21, 2012. I began my GradSTEP session on teaching portfolios by inviting participants to wrestle with the following question: “Who are you in the classroom?” By asking this question, I wanted to...

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Upcoming Event: What is SoTL?

Feb. 9, 2012—Join us for this upcoming Conversation on Teaching! What is SoTL? Date & Time:      February 16, 4:10-5:30 Facilitator:           Nancy Chick, Assistant Director Format:                Conversation on Teaching Audience:           Faculty, Graduate and Professional Students, Post-docs, and Staff The scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) is a way of treating teaching as a scholarly activity...

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Inside-Out: A Collaborative Learning Community between Undergraduate Students and People Who Are Incarcerated

Feb. 5, 2012—On February 17th from12-1pm, the CFT’s Service Learning Working Group will feature Sarah Passino, Senior Lecturer in the Department of English, in a presentation titled Inside-Out: A Collaborative Learning Community between Undergraduate Students and People Who Are Incarcerated. The Service Learning Working Group is open to any faculty and staff interested in discussing the theory...

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Upcoming Event: Student Incivility

Feb. 2, 2012—Join us for this upcoming teaching workshop! Student Incivility Date & Time:      February 6, 4:10-5:30 Facilitator:           Bill Hardin, Graduate Teaching Fellow Format:                Teaching Workshop Audience:           Graduate Students and Post-Docs This session will explore how instructors can manage incivilities in the classroom-distracting behaviors such as “grade-grubbing,” cheating, rudeness, inattention due to laptops and...

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GradSTEP recap: Humanities and Social Sciences Panel

Feb. 1, 2012—Making the Transition from Student to Professor: Humanities and Social Sciences Panel What happens after a successful job search? This year’s GradSTEP event featured two panels of recent PhDs who have made the transition from grad student to full-time faculty jobs. They answered the “What Next?” question and shared their stories of stumbles and triumphs in...

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GradSTEP recap: Syllabus Construction

Jan. 31, 2012—This blog post is written by Dan Morrison, a CFT Graduate Teaching Fellow. Dan led the Course & Syllabus Design session at GradSTEP on January 21, 2012. You can download the PowerPoint andhandouts from this session. Syllabus Design: Blueprints for Learning instead of Contracts After reviewing the basics of course design in the first half of my...

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