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Take advantage of our last Top Hat virtual office hour before classes start!

Aug. 15, 2019—Interested in learning more about the new and advanced features of Top Hat? Are you using Top Hat but have some questions regarding your specific use case? Get help and answers about Top Hat during our virtual open office hour session. During these open sessions, you set the agenda! Quintin Peirce from Top Hat will...

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Get help and answers to you Top Hat questions during our virtual office hours

Aug. 14, 2019—Interested in learning more about the new and advanced features of Top Hat? Are you using Top Hat but have some questions regarding your specific use case? Get help and answers about Top Hat during one of our virtual open office hour sessions. During these open sessions, you set the agenda! Quintin Peirce from Top...

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From the CFT Director

Aug. 12, 2019—August is here! I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure where the summer went. It was a busy one at the Center for Teaching, as we wrapped up the academic year, started collaborating with Vice Provost Tracey George on faculty development initiatives, and prepared for our fall events and programs. Our big orientations...

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The CFT is hiring!

Aug. 12, 2019—We are now accepting applications for a Digital Media Specialist to provide guidance and instruction to all university instructors, regardless of technology experience, who want to improve their technology skills and incorporate digital media into their teaching. The Digital Media Specialist maintains the Center for Teaching’s audio/visual production equipment and facilities and creates end-user training...

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Just-in-Time Teaching Conference August 19th and 20th

Aug. 9, 2019—It’s never too late to make a good decision, right?  Although planning fall courses starts long before the start of classes, we recognize that many instructors are still making course design and implementation decisions right up to the wire.  That’s why we’re offering a variety of teaching workshops for Vanderbilt instructors on August 19th and...

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Signal-to-noise in the classroom

Aug. 5, 2019—by Cynthia J. Brame, CFT Associate Director I’ve been thinking a lot about signal-to-noise ratio this summer. My post-doctoral research relied heavily on mass spectrometry of complex mixtures, and we thought a lot about signal-to-noise and whether we were missing the thing we were after in a sea of other things our instrument could detect....

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Exciting Changes to the Certificate in College Teaching Program!

Jul. 15, 2019—In Fall 2019, the CFT will be rolling out exciting changes to the Certificate in College Teaching (CiCT) program. Previously, we offered a Certificate in College Teaching (CiCT) and Certificate in Humanities Teaching and Learning (CHTL) for Vanderbilt graduate students and postdocs. The CHTL shared a lot of core features of the CiCT in order...

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Junior Faculty Spotlight: Susan Douglas

Jul. 12, 2019—Each month, the CFT Newsletter highlights the work of our Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows. In this spotlight, Susan Douglas, Leadership, Policy, and Organizations, talks about her teaching philosophy and interests. I have been in a teaching role at Vanderbilt University since 2014. I started as a part-time assistant professor of the practice in the Psychology...

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Junior Faculty Spotlight: Kejia Hu

Jul. 11, 2019—Each month, the CFT Newsletter highlights the work of our Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows. In this spotlight, Kejia Hu, Operations Management, talks about her teaching philosophy and interests. I am an Assistant Professor of Operations Management at the Owen Graduate School of Management. My research mainly focuses on empirical operations management on service operations and...

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Junior Faculty Spotlight: Yuankai (Kenny) Tao

Jul. 10, 2019—Each month, the CFT Newsletter highlights the work of our Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows. This time, we highlighted Yuankai Kenny Tao, Biomedical Engineering, who talks about his teaching philosophy and interests. I have been an Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Vanderbilt University since 2016. I am the director of the Diagnostic Imaging and Image-Guided...

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