Resource Category
Are you interested in adding captions to your Kaltura videos?
Dec. 12, 2018—When it comes to online videos, accessibility is very important. Many times, self-made videos lack captions that can assist those who are hearing impaired. To address this, Kaltura has added a new captioning tool that can help make your videos more accessible to others. This tool is already enabled inside of your Kaltura instance inside...
A Conversation on Multimodal Assignments
Nov. 5, 2018—by Chelsea Yarborough, Graduate Teaching Fellow, and Derek Bruff, Director On October 16, 2018, the Center for Teaching’s learning community on teaching digital literacies gathered for a conversation about multimodal assignments, those that include more than just the written word. Three panelists joined the growing learning community to discuss the joys, challenges, and overall value...
In-Class Activities for Teaching Writing
Oct. 3, 2018—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director, cross-posted from Agile Learning I’ve been teaching my first-year writing seminar on cryptography off and on since 2010, and yet I still feel like a rookie when it comes to teaching writing. I’ve learned a lot, certainly, but there always seems more to learn. That’s why I was excited about...
A Conversation on Teaching Media Literacy
Oct. 1, 2018—by Chelsea Yarborough, Graduate Teaching Fellow, and Derek Bruff, Director On September 14, 2018, the Center for Teaching kicked off its new learning community on teaching digital literacies. With four panelists and a room of ready participants, we engaged in a rich, interdisciplinary conversation about the difficulties and possibilities of teaching media literacy in the...
Syllabus Statements
Aug. 20, 2018—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director It’s that time of year. Time to update the syllabus for your fall course. Or maybe create a new syllabus from scratch. I feel like I’m ahead of schedule this year, since I updated the syllabus for my first-year writing seminar last Wednesday, a full week ahead of the first...
August Brightspace Workshops and Drop-in Hours
Aug. 10, 2018—In our hands-on workshops, participants will learn about Vanderbilt’s course management system, Brightspace. In addition to these workshops, you can get individual help during drop-in hours at the CFT or by appointment in a one-on-one consult with one of our instructional technologists. Email us at or check out this collection of step-by-step guides for help getting started. Workshops topic...
Newly Revised CFT Guide on Creating Accessible Learning Environments
Jul. 19, 2018—Graduate Teaching Fellow, Amie Thurber, along with Assistant Director Joe Bandy, have prepared a newly updated teaching guide for creating inclusive and accessible higher education classrooms. While it is first and foremost designed to help instructors in their efforts to create inclusive equality for disabled students, it has content that will help all students access,...
Need Help Using Brightspace as you Plan for Fall Classes?
Jul. 9, 2018—As you prepare your fall courses, keep in mind all of the Brightspace resources we offer here at the Center for Teaching. If you prefer to peruse our on-demand resources on your own, we have a growing list of frequently asked questions that include step-by-step instructions and screenshots. If you want to sit down with...
From the CFT Stacks
Jun. 20, 2018—The Power of Integrated Learning by William M. Sullivan This book makes a case for an approach that combines the strengths of liberal arts, professional studies, and civic responsibility in order to give students the combination of skills and experience that will prepare them for success in all aspects of life after graduation. The author...
Workshop Collaboration Leads to New CFT Teaching Guide: Developing and Writing a Diversity Statement
Jun. 18, 2018—In April, The Vanderbilt Center for Teaching partnered with The Office of Inclusive Excellence and The Office for Career Development at The Graduate School to provide an introductory workshop on developing a written diversity statement. The session was facilitated by Graduate Teaching Fellow Sara Beck and CFT Assistant Director Joe Bandy and featured a Q&A...