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Grad and Postdoc Programs at the CFT

Aug. 13, 2018—Two Center for Teaching programs for graduate students and postdocs are now taking registrations for the fall. Each program consists of a seminar and a practicum, and each lasts two semesters.   The first program is the Certificate in College Teaching (CiCT). This program focuses on the research on how people learn as well as...

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August Brightspace Workshops and Drop-in Hours

Aug. 10, 2018—In our hands-on workshops, participants will learn about Vanderbilt’s course management system, Brightspace. In addition to these workshops, you can get individual help during drop-in hours at the CFT or by appointment in a one-on-one consult with one of our instructional technologists. Email us at or check out this collection of step-by-step guides for help getting started. Workshops topic...

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Be part of one of the new or continuing learning communities at the CFT

Aug. 9, 2018—The Center for Teaching hosts a number of learning communities, intended for members of Vanderbilt’s teaching community interested in meeting over time to develop deeper understandings and richer practices around particular teaching and learning topics.  This year’s learning communities are: Teaching, Difference, and Power: Empowering International Students and Faculty This year, the CFT continues its...

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Make your Brightspace course homepage work for you!

Aug. 7, 2018—When you (or your students) first click on a course from the main landing page in Brightspace, the default first page is a homepage that has the announcements tool and the calendar tool pre-loaded. However, the default is not your only option. In fact, you have quite a bit of control over what your students see...

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From the CFT Stacks: Race, Equity, and the Learning Environment

Jul. 25, 2018—Race, Equity, and the Learning Environment: The Global Relevance of Critical and Inclusive Pedagogies in Higher Education Edited by: Frank Tuitt, Chayla Haynes and Saran Stewart Faculty and administrators in higher education around the world are becoming aware of the need to address the systemic practices and barriers that contribute to inequitable educational outcomes of...

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Newly Revised CFT Guide on Creating Accessible Learning Environments

Jul. 19, 2018—Graduate Teaching Fellow, Amie Thurber, along with Assistant Director Joe Bandy, have prepared a newly updated teaching guide for creating inclusive and accessible higher education classrooms. While it is first and foremost designed to help instructors in their efforts to create inclusive equality for disabled students, it has content that will help all students access,...

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Teaching at Vanderbilt New Faculty Orientation is Thursday, August 16th

Jul. 16, 2018—  At the beginning of every academic year, the Center for Teaching hosts “Teaching at Vanderbilt,” an orientation for junior and senior faculty new to Vanderbilt. The orientation features an introduction to strategies for launching a successful teaching career at Vanderbilt, with concurrent sessions on a variety of practical topics. Teaching at Vanderbilt is an...

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Just-in-Time Teaching Conference – August 20th and 21st

Jul. 11, 2018—It’s never too late to make a good decision, right?  Although planning fall courses starts long before the start of classes, we recognize that many instructors are still making course design and implementation decisions right up to the wire.  That’s why we’re offering a variety of teaching workshops for Vanderbilt instructors on August 20th and...

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Need Help Using Brightspace as you Plan for Fall Classes?

Jul. 9, 2018—As you prepare your fall courses, keep in mind all of the Brightspace resources we offer here at the Center for Teaching. If you prefer to peruse our on-demand resources on your own, we have a growing list of frequently asked questions that include step-by-step instructions and screenshots. If you want to sit down with...

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CFT Publications Spotlight: Joe Bandy

Jul. 2, 2018—How can we help students connect what they learn inside the classroom to the world outside the classroom? And, when we do so, how can we know what kind of an impact these experiences have on students and the broader community? These are the questions that drive much of CFT assistant director Joe Bandy’s research...

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