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Thinking STEM, Teaching STEM: A Blog Series

Apr. 30, 2015—By Vivian Finch, CFT Graduate Teaching Fellow “Thinking STEM, Teaching STEM” is a blog series that spotlights some of the videos produced at Vanderbilt for the CIRTL MOOC course, “An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching.” This course drew on the expertise of experienced STEM faculty, educational researchers, and representatives of university teaching centers.  As previously mentioned,...

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Thinking STEM, Teaching STEM: A Blog Series

Apr. 23, 2015—By Vivian Finch, CFT Graduate Teaching Fellow The CFT is in the thirteenth week of “Thinking STEM, Teaching STEM,” a blog series that spotlights some of the videos produced at Vanderbilt for the CIRTL MOOC course, “An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching.” This course drew on the expertise of experienced STEM faculty, educational researchers, and representatives...

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From the Stacks…

Apr. 22, 2015—How College Works by Daniel Chambliss and Christopher Takacs Limited resources of colleges and students need not diminish the undergraduate experience. The authors follow a cluster of nearly one hundred students over the span of eight years, and discover the surprisingly decisive role that personal relationships play in determining a student’s collegiate success.  This book...

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A Conversation on Flipped Classrooms

Apr. 22, 2015—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director On March 7th, the CFT and the Vanderbilt Institute for Digital Learning (VIDL) hosted the second in a series of Conversations on Digital Pedagogy. These conversations are meant to provide members of the Vanderbilt teaching community opportunities to learn from each other as they explore creative and effective uses of...

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Reflections from the CIRTL Forum

Apr. 20, 2015—by Cynthia Brame, CFT Assistant Director I just got back from the CIRTL Forum in College Station, TX. (CIRTL is the Center for the Integration of Research,Teaching and Learning.) What a great trip! The Forum’s title was “Preparing the Future STEM Faculty for the Rapidly Changing Landscape of Higher Education,” and we had a collection...

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CIRTL Network Development Opportunities

Apr. 17, 2015—  The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) is an NSF Center for Learning and Teaching in higher education. CIRTL has opened registration for upcoming course opportunities. These are free, online events for grad students and post-docs in the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) interested in faculty careers. April sessions include...

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Thinking STEM, Teaching STEM: A Blog Series

Apr. 16, 2015—By Vivian Finch, CFT Graduate Teaching Fellow The CFT is in the twelfth week of “Thinking STEM, Teaching STEM,” a blog series that spotlights some of the videos produced at Vanderbilt for the CIRTL MOOC course, “An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching.” This course drew on the expertise of experienced STEM faculty, educational researchers, and representatives...

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Symposium on Teaching, Difference, and Power April 21st, 2pm

Apr. 13, 2015—Among the greatest challenges facing higher education in the US is the difficulty of creating diverse and democratic campus cultures and confronting, rather than replicating, an array of social inequalities. The Center for Teaching selected “Teaching, Difference, and Power” as its annual theme to understand the challenges educators face in negotiating difference and power in...

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Thinking STEM, Teaching STEM: A Blog Series

Apr. 9, 2015—By Vivian Finch, CFT Graduate Teaching Fellow The CFT is in the eleventh week of “Thinking STEM, Teaching STEM,” a blog series that spotlights some of the videos produced at Vanderbilt for the CIRTL MOOC course, “An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching.” This course drew on the expertise of experienced STEM faculty, educational researchers, and representatives...

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Apply to be a Junior Faculty Teaching Fellow!

Apr. 9, 2015—We are now accepting applications for 2015-16. The CFT’s Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows program is designed to help you: • Learn from the teaching experiences of colleagues at Vanderbilt. • Develop skills that will enable you to analyze and improve your teaching over time. • Enjoy the community of teachers at Vanderbilt. • Learn to...

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