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Search Term: Teaching innovations at vanderbilt

Making the Most of In-Class Reading Days

Dec. 8, 2020—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director Last week, the university approved four “in-class reading days” for the spring 2021 semester: February 23-24 and April 7-8. These days in the undergraduate and graduate school schedules are meant to encourage students and instructors to practice self-care and avoid burnout during this exceptional academic year. In this blog post,...

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Assessing Student Learning

Nov. 19, 2019—by Michael R. Fisher, Jr. and Joe Bandy Print Version Cite this guide: Fisher, M. R., Jr., & Bandy, J. (2019). Assessing Student Learning. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching. Retrieved [todaysdate] from Overview What is student assessment and why is it Important? Forms and Purposes of Student Assessment Assessment is More than Grading Assessment...

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CFT Publications Spotlight: Joe Bandy

Jul. 2, 2018—How can we help students connect what they learn inside the classroom to the world outside the classroom? And, when we do so, how can we know what kind of an impact these experiences have on students and the broader community? These are the questions that drive much of CFT assistant director Joe Bandy’s research...

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Active Learning

Jun. 20, 2016—by Cynthia J. Brame Print Version Cite this guide: Brame, C. (2016). Active learning. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching. Retrieved [todaysdate] from     What is it? What’s the theoretical basis? Is there evidence that it works? Why is it important? What are techniques to use? How should you get started? New! Cheat sheet...

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Effective educational videos

Aug. 17, 2015—by Cynthia J. Brame Print Version Cite this guide: Brame, C.J. (2015). Effective educational videos. Retrieved [todaysdate] from Video has become an important part of higher education. It is integrated as part of traditional courses, serves as a cornerstone of many blended courses, and is often the main information delivery mechanism in MOOCs. Several...

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Students as Producers: An Introduction

Sep. 3, 2013—by Derek Bruff, CFT Director As I announced last month, this year many of the Center for Teaching’s workshops, conversations, and other resources for the Vanderbilt teaching community will be part of our “Students as Producers” theme. I first heard the term “student as producer” in a keynote by the University of Lincoln’s Mike Neary...

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Meet the CFT’s HASTAC Scholar Zoe LeBlanc

Nov. 13, 2012—This year the CFT is proud to sponsor history doctoral student Zoe LeBlanc as a HASTAC Scholar. HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory) is a global network of individuals and institutions that come together to share, collaborate, and learn through online forums, blogs, conferences, social media and other channels of communication. The HASTAC...

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Contemplative Pedagogy

Apr. 5, 2012—In one way, contemplative pedagogy may be seen as something new and separate from other pedagogical innovations, but in another way it may also be seen as reflective if not summative of several more familiar strains of interest, attention, and improvement in college teaching.” ~ James Rhem, The National Teaching & Learning Forum (March 2012)...

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Call for Proposals: The Cumberland Project

Jan. 12, 2012—In this time of environmental change and uncertainty, institutions of higher education play a vital role in helping the public meet the numerous challenges to sustainability.  Many individuals and institutions have taken up this challenge, as evidenced by the development of organizations such as the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education and...

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Call for Proposals: The Cumberland Project – Due January 15, 2011

Jan. 7, 2011—In this time of environmental change and uncertainty, institutions of higher education play a vital role in helping the public meet the numerous challenges to sustainability.  Many individuals and institutions have taken up this challenge, as evidenced by the development of organizations such as the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education and...

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