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‘Educational Technology’

Selecting the Right Technology Tool: Wikis, Discussion Boards, Journals, and Blogs (Essays on Teaching Excellence) Part Two

Feb. 24, 2012—Selecting the Right Technology Tool: Wikis, Discussion Boards, Journals, and Blogs Tami J. Eggleston, McKendree University The POD Network Teaching Excellence Essay Series, 2010-11 In this essay, Eggleston discusses how daunting many faculty find selecting the right technology tool can be. To help with this task, she compares common electronic tools and uses Bloom’s Cognitive Domain...

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Selecting the Right Technology Tool: Wikis, Discussion Boards, Journals, and Blogs (Essays on Teaching Excellence) Part One

Feb. 23, 2012—Selecting the Right Technology Tool: Wikis, Discussion Boards, Journals, and Blogs Tami J. Eggleston, McKendree University The POD Network Teaching Excellence Essay Series, 2010-11 In this essay, Eggleston discusses how daunting many faculty find selecting the right technology tool can be. To help with this task, she compares common electronic tools and uses Bloom’s Cognitive Domain...

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VMAT an example of Classroom-learned skills solving real-world problems

Dec. 8, 2011—This week the Vanderbilt Mobile Application Team (VMAT) was profiled in Campus Technology. VMAT develops iPhone- and Android-compatible apps for the Vanderbilt campus, teaches dozens of students how to program mobile apps – which has become a lucrative business for many, including current and former members who have landed jobs across the country. Of note, is Chris...

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Academic Technology Expectations – Highlights from a Conversation

Nov. 8, 2011—By Rhett McDaniel On October 27th, the CFT hosted a Conversation on Teaching titled “Student Expectations: Academic Technology.” The group investigated some of the assumptions and beliefs we might hold regarding student expectations around academic technology. We also discussed various potential conflicts and consequences around the issue. The conversation was exploratory in nature, designed to...

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Motivating Students through Authentic Audiences

Nov. 7, 2011—CFT Acting Director Derek Bruff authored an essay titled “A Social Network Can be a Learning Network” that appears in this week’s special issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education on online learning. In the essay, Derek uses the notion of social pedagogies to frame three educational technologies (social bookmarking, backchannels, and collaborative documents) that...

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Report from the Road:Conference Season for the CFT

Nov. 3, 2011—Last week, CFT educational technologist Rhett McDaniel attended the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference in Philadelphia. If you missed the live video streams of the conference, you can view selected sessions from the EDUCAUSE streaming video archives. The conference also featured the release of the annual ECAR study of undergraduate students that helps to shed light on...

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Upcoming Event: Student Expectations – Academic Technology

Oct. 25, 2011—Have you registered yet?  Register Now for Student Expectations: Academic Technology. Time & Date: Thursday, October 27, 4:10-5:30 Facilitator: Rhett McDaniel, Educational Technologist, CFT Format: Conversation on Teaching Audience: Faculty, Graduate and Professional Students, Post-docs, and Staff Technology is often promoted as an empowering tool that can help faculty work more efficiently and students understand more...

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Hitting the Road: Conference Season for the CFT

Oct. 21, 2011—Four members of the CFT staff are attending conferences across the country over the next three weeks. This week, CFT educational consultant Milt Cox is participating in the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) conference in Milwaukee. Milt’s on a panel titled “Transforming Educational Development of SoTL by Engaging in, Leading,...

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Twitter as an Enabler of Critical Thinking

Oct. 18, 2011—This is a guest post by Corbette Doyle, a Lecturer in Leadership, Policy & Organizations, and Steph Milne, her TA. In addition to her TA role, Steph recently earned her undergraduate degree and is currently a second-year graduate student in LPO. This Thursday, October 20th, at 4:00 p.m., Corbette and Steph will be discussing their...

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Responding to Changing Technologies – A Report from the CFT’s 25th Anniversary Symposium

Sep. 23, 2011—by Derek Bruff, CFT Acting Director In my last post, I shared some highlights from the first hour of our discussion of changing technologies at the CFT’s 25th anniversary symposium earlier this month. The discussion raised several challenges in responding to our changing technological world, including: meeting student expectations for technology use in higher education,...

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